Rom Harré

On Thursday 17 October 2019 Professor Rom Harré, philosopher of science, died at the age of 91.


Rom Harré was the Director of the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science in London. He was for many years the University Lecturer in Philosophy of Science at Oxford and Fellow of Linacre College. Currently he is Distinguished Professor in the Psychology Department of Georgetown University in Washington DC, teaching there in the Spring Semester. He began his career in mathematics and physics, turning later to the foundations of psychology. His research has been directed to the use of models and other kinds of non-formal reasoning in the sciences, as well as a long series of studies on the role of causal powers and agency concepts in both natural and human sciences. His publications include among others Causal Powers (with E. H. Madden), Varieties of Realism, Modelling: Gateway to Nature, The Explanation of Social Behaviour (with P. F., Secord), Cognitive Science: A Philosophical Introduction. He has held Visiting Professorships in many places, including Australia, Spain and Japan. He was Honorary President of the Internationals Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry.