Klaus G. Deissler, Ph.D.

Marburg, Germany

Phone: +49-6421-6208250
Email: dialog+@deissler.org
Web: http://www.deissler.org/ (personal professional website)
http://www.mics.de/ (education program in systemic therapy and consultation)
http://www.marburger-beratergruppe.de/ (MBG = Marburg Consultation Group)

Klaus G. Deissler, Ph.D., is one of the pioneers and mentors of systemic and postmodern forms of consultation and therapy in Germany. He is the edtior of Zeitschrift für systemische Therapie und Beratung since 1992.

His main publications in German are:

  • Die Wertschätzende Organisation, 2004, ed. together with Kenneth J. Gergen, (engl.: the Appreciative Organization),
  • Phil und Sophie im Dialog, Die soziale Poesie therapeutischer Gespräche, 2013, by Klaus G. Deissler und Sheila McNamee, Eds. http://www.taosinstitute.net/phil-und-sophie-im-dialogo,
  • Sich selbst erfinden? — Von systemischen Interventionen zu selbstreflexiven therapeutischen Gesprächenª (1997) (engl.: Self-inventing?),
  • Menschenskind, wie kann man systemische Therapiekontexte konstruieren?ª (1988) (engl.: How to construct systemic contexts of therapy),
  • Beiträge zur systemischen Therapieª (1985) (engl.: Contributions to systemic Therapy)

(A variety of articles have been translated into English, see his web-page).

He is the director of the Marburg Institute for Collaborative Studies (MICS) Marburg, Germany.

Since 1999 he has been guest professor at the Medical Highschool in Havanna.

Since 1976 he has been working as a consultant, psychotherapist and a trainer in systemic therapy.