Andy Lock, Ph.D.
School of Psychology
Massey University
Private Bag 11 222
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Phone: +64 6 356 9099 ext. 2061
Fax: +64 6 350 5673
Andy Lock is Professor of Psychology and former Head of School at Massey University in New Zealand. His interests are focused on how language is constructed in social interaction and the consequences of this construction. His original interest, which he maintains, was in the construction of language in adult-infant interactions. This lead him on to cross-cultural inquiries of indigenous psychologies, and later into the evolutionary and historical histories of language skills and discourses. He has recently been writing with David Epston and his colleagues, developing the notion of ‘discursive parasites’ and how these operate within the resources of main-stream cultural discourses to create problems for people. A selection of his publications is available from his web-site.
He was the founder and co-ordinator (between 2003 and 2010) of Massey University’s on-line Postgraduate Diploma in Discursive Therapies, which included contributions from a number of Taos Associates. A rich collection of materials developed these collaborations, co-edited with Tom Strong, are soon to be published in Oxford University Press’s series “International Perspectives in Philosophy & Psychiatry”.