Siva Subramanien, MSc, Ph.D
12 Ollier Lane No 2
Quatre Bornes
Indian Ocean
Phone: 2304271279 (office)
Mobile: 52541933
Office of the Vice President of the Republic of Mauritius
30 Farquhar Avenue Quatre Bornes
Siva has had a long carrier in the Public Service of Mauritius. Before retiring in the year 2000, he was successively at the head of the Ministries of Energy, Health and Education. Since retirement, he serves as Adviser to the Vice President of the Republic of Mauritius.
His training includes public administration, international cooperation, and health management. He earned a MSc in Economics at the University of Wales and did his PhD at the University of Tilburg. His special interest is population and aging. His PhD thesis dealt with the well being of older people.
He is now studying the Public Service of his country with a view to reform it.