Nobuhiko Asai

Psychotherapist, MEDI Counseling Representative Tokyo and Osaka, President of International and Psychological Support Association (IPSA)
Social:, X(Twitter) @StarryeyedTH

Nobuhiko has been practicing family therapy and solution focused approach since he was a graduate school student. After graduation, he got a chance to have supervision of systems approach (Japanese oriented family therapy) in Japan.  He continues to practice therapy sessions based on social constructionism. Every year he joins the conference of Japan Association of Family Therapy (JAFT), and presents every two years or sometimes works as a staff member. He participates in other congresses e.g. The Japanese Association for Humanistic Psychology, Japan Industrial Counselors Association Kansai branch and The Japanese Association of Counseling Science Tochigi branch, where he hosts some workshops related to family therapy and Open Dialogue. 

In 2016, he joined an international trainers training course of Open Dialogue in Espoo, Finland and became an international trainer of Open dialogue. He is teaching Open dialogue in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan and in Chennai, India (online hybrid setting).

In 2016 and 2017, he invited David Epston to Japan for some workshops about Narrative therapy in Tokyo and Osaka. In 2021, he and his colleagues organized the “Dialogue International Conference Online (DICO)“ and invited Kenneth Gergen, Harlene Anderson, Jaakko Seikkula and Tom Erik Arnkil as Plenary speakers. 

In 2021, he wrote a book on family therapy with a social constructionism approach named “Introduction to Family Therapy (in Japanese)”  that became one of the best sellers among family therapy books.  The book which is named as “Open dialogue and Collaboration (in Japanese)”, and the book which is named as “Introduction to Open Dialogue (in Japanese)” will be published in 2025.