Jean Pagès

Founder, Institut Français d’Appreciative Inquiry


Jean Pagès graduated from École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (DEA « Formation à la Recherche en Sciences Sociales », master’s degree), with concentrations in Psychology and Literature, and received The Appreciative Inquiry Certificate in Positive Business and Society Change from Case Western Reserve University. Jean has a professional background in training, Human Resources (water supply, public company) and he founded the Institut Français d’Appreciative Inquiry. As a coach, supervisor, speaker, and author, Jean also trains coaches, consultants and managers on the Appreciative Inquiry approach. He is faculty member at Master Paris 2 and Aix-Marseille University (teaching Appreciative Inquiry in a Master’s of Coaching). He is a member of the editorial board of the AI Practitioner Journal

Main Publications

  • L’Appreciative Inquiry – Une révolution positive, D. Cooperrider & D. Whitney, Interéditions/Dunod, foreword and translation, May 2016
  • « L’Appreciative Inquiry » in Le guide de l’organisation apprenante, Dir. B. Arnaud et C. Ejeil, Eyrolles, 2019
  • AIP Journal, WAIC 2019: Is It Possible to Create a Better World? Nov 2019, Dir.
  • Coacher avec l’Appreciative Inquiry. S’appuyer sur les réussites individuelles et collectives, Eyrolles, 2007, 2014 & 2021
  • Le grand livre de l’Appreciative Inquiry, Co-auteur, Dir. J.C Barralis & S. Proust, Interéditions, 2021