Hilary Bradbury, Ph.D.

Web: actionresearchplus.com
Email: hilary@hilarybradbury.net

Hilary Bradbury, Ph.D., is founder & curator at AR+ Action Research Plus Foundation. With a Ph.D. in organization psychology and years as a Professor (Case Western, USC and OHSU), Hilary’s expertise brings a transformative action research (“learn by doing”) approach to social change methodology. She plays a global community organizing role among action researchers reflected in her position as Editor in Chief of the premier, international peer reviewed Action Research Journal. As curator at AR+ Foundation, she supports global educator-change leaders and universities. She emphasizes integrating developmental reflexivity and social learning in the work of Action Research for Transformations. Hilary wants more of us to avail of transformative action methodology and become more responsive to our eco-social crisis in our scholarly practice. 

Hilary started this millennium as a recipient of the George and Cynthia Mitchell Young International Scholar Award for Sustainable Development. She has authored dozens of journal articles and chapters, starting with a best dissertation award (Academy of Management). Hilary edited the bestselling Handbooks of Action Research/Sage publications. Her most cited academic paper concerns Relationality.  

Hilary rematriated to Ireland in 2023 where she lives near family and beside her permaculture garden.

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