Josje Dikkers, Ph.D.
The Netherlands
Social: LinkedIn, ResearchGate
Josje Dikkers works as head of the research group Decent Work at the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (the Netherlands). This research group focuses on performing applied research on creating and sustaining decent work, with particular attention for people with a vulnerable labor market position. Josje studied Work & Organizational Psychology at Tilburg University and successively performed her PhD-research on employees’ work-family balance at the Radboud University Nijmegen. She successfully defended her PhD-thesis in 2008 and started working at the VU University Amsterdam up until 2012 as associate professor in Human Resource Management. Subsequently, she started working for the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht and was installed as lector (professor of applied sciences) in 2019. Her research interests primarily focus on Human Resource policies in relation to employability, mental health and inclusive leadership. She presents the outcomes of her studies in (inter)national books, journals and at conferences.