Pilar Padilla
Tucumán, Argentina
Phone: +5493816402002
Email: pilarpadilla70@hotmail.com
Web: www.fesna.org
Psychologist. Posgrade in Family Therapy. Certified in Collaborative Practices.
Co-founder and member of the board of FESNA -Fundación de Estudios Sistémicos y Nuevos Aportes- an independent institute in Tucumán, Argentina, dedicated to training, consultation, and supervision from a postmodern and social constructionist approach.
Pillar is very interested in looking for healthier and satisfactory ways of reaching out and relating, and thinks that dialogue and respect are the most trustworthy means to reach so. She has taken to organizing different study groups, workshops, and conferences with meritorious members of this approach.
Pillar loves family life and thinks that it is there where the most important seed that could be sown lays.