Relational Research Network – Past Activities:

Activities in 2022

Connections for Collaborating in Future-Forming Relational Research
September 21, 2022, 1:00 – 2:30 pm EST (New York time)
The Relational Research Network invites you to attend this session where we will meet and greet each other. In this meeting, we will create a space for discussion to support each other in performing Relational Research. We will do an activity where everyone is asked to share an item from your work space that supports you or energizes you in your work (picture, book, item from your travels, musical instrument, photo, art, etc.) and share this item on zoom with the others including how this object or idea sustains you. Also in the small groups we invite people to share their experience with relational research, including comments on any of the videos we have presented on the Relational Research Video Series YouTube channel.

Expandiendo la colaboración:Una Red de Investigación Relacional para el futuro
Miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2022, 12:00 – 1:30 pm EST
Durante esta reunión estaremos reconectándonos, reflexionando y explorando ideas para crear investigación relacional que construya futuros posibles. Al participar de este encuentro, podremos generar conexiones y formas para apoyarnos unos/as a otros/as en nuestros trabajos de investigación.

Activities in 2019

Relational Research Network Project: The RRN Support Learning Community, July-November 2019.
The Relational Research Network created a new space and opportunity to join with other researchers to critically think about how inquiry and research processes connect and inspire us.

  1. We explored how research projects can have a relational focus or be a relational practice.
  2. We engaged in conversations about research projects taking place now and have meaningful conversations about how they might become more relational.
  3. We learned from and share the work of researchers and with others in the learning community, engaging through questions, challenges, or issues related to your research project.
  4. We were in conversation with other researchers to network, co-learn and create opportunities for collaboration.

Following is a list of the RRN Support Learning Community Calls:

November 21, 2019Living Stories: An arts-based, relational research framework directed to transformative change in healthcare
View the recording of the call here
Join the online conversation about this research topic here
Hosts: Kristin Bodiford and Paloma Torres
Researchers: Pamela Brett-MacLean, Minn Yoon, Patrick von Haugh

“Art+Medicine Collaborative Practice” co-edited by Taos Associate Pamela Brett-MacLean with Lianne McTavish (University of Alberta), recently published by the University of Alberta Press, documents an arts-based, collaborative approach to exploring and communicating the lived experience of illness and disease, led to an exhibition of “FLUX: Responding to Head and Neck Cancer” at the International Museum of Surgical Sciences in 2018, and subsequently informed the development of an interdisciplinary, arts-based, relational research framework, described in an essay by Minn Yoon and Pamela Brett-MacLean in Social Construction in Action: The Taos Institute’s Silver Jubilee (Dole et al, forthcoming – also see attached). 

In this call, we will outline and discuss the six guiding principles we have proposed for our “Living Stories” research framework: relational, social constructionism as a guiding perspective; inquiry as embodied, transformational intervention; triadic, co-researcher collaborative structure; co-created, evolving, reflexive arts-based inquiry approaches and processes; creative, multi-faceted, future-forming approach to sharing inquiry outcomes; and expanding matrix of relationships. 

We look forward to exploring ways of fostering openness to relational research and facilitating processes directed to transformational change. In addition, recognizing that outcomes of relational research can be varied and unpredictable, we look forward to discussing outcomes that are important to document – both from the outset, and that we should also mindfully create space for, as they arise – not only for all who are integrally involved, but also funding bodies, etc.

Suggested pre-reading, two essays 1) Living Stories: An art-based, relational research framework directed to transformative change in healthcare2) Opening to the possibilities of interdisciplinary collaboration

Julio 17, 2019 – Redes de apoyo en familias rurales desde las prácticas colaborativas
View Recording at this link
Facilitadores: Papusa Molina and Josep Segui
Investigador: Edward Johnn Silva Giraldo
Esta conversación será en español

El proyecto de Investigación busca comprender la forma cómo las familias Rurales adscritas a la Arquidiócesis de Bogotá co-construyen sus redes de apoyo en el marco de la nueva ruralidad para la generación de un tejido social de mutuo cuidado. Desde la perspectiva del construccionismo social, se acogen las prácticas colaborativas como referente metodológico para reconocer las voces y necesidades sentidas de las familias. De este modo, se propone la co-construcción de un diagnóstico relacional y el diseño del trabajo colaborativo con las familias, para fortalecer los recursos y responsabilidades relacionales entre los distintos actores sociales.

July 24, 2019 – In what ways can a relational constructionist perspective shape collaborative practice?
View Recording at this link 
Hosts: Kristin Bodiford and Paloma Torres-Davila
Researcher: Branka Vasilic
This conversation will be in English.

This study explores the ways a relational constructionist perspective can shape the collaborative practice of practitioners working with learners with High and Complex Needs (HCN). More specifically, this study aims to recognize, engage with and further open relational potential in current HCN practice. Together with the practitioners as co-researchers, we explored how Kenneth Gergen’s relational theory (2009) can be used in conversations based on the principles of narrative therapy to co-construct locally useful and future-oriented knowledge about practice (Bodiford & Camargo-Borges, 2014). As a result, this research team has developed principle-based HCN collaborative maps (Madsen, 2016) which can be used to guide the practice in a relational direction.

August 19, 2019 – Niños y familias en el contexto de violencia o conflicto armado  
Acceda a la grabación de la llamada aquí
Facilitadores: Rocio Chaveste and Monica Sesma
Investigador: María Camila Ospina
Esta conversación será en español

Proceso de construcción de la paz en esta población basado en las ideas de construccionismo social. Buscamos narrativas colectivas de estas familias y niños y el impacto del proceso de construcción de la paz sobre los diferentes actores sociales. Este proyecto de investigación está orientado a comprender cómo los niños en la etapa de niñez temprana, cuyas familias vienen de contextos de conflicto armado, y sus agentes relacionales crean memorias y promueven procesos de construcción de la paz. Teóricamente, el estudio utiliza el Construccionismo Social y se orienta hacia el uso de narrativas para construir realidades; y la Socialización Política para comprender subjetividades políticas.

Sept 23, 2019 – Educación relacional
Ver la grabación de la llamada. Haga clic aquí.
Únase a la conversación en línea sobre este tema de investigación. Haga clic aquí.
Facilitadores: Rocio Chaveste and Monica Sesma
Investigador: Rita de Cássia de Sousa
Esta conversación será en español

El proyecto que presentamos reúne un conjunto de investigaciones que usan la perspectiva Construccionista Social para fines de investigaciones en educación. Nuestro objetivo es profundizarnos en las propuestas traídas por este movimiento en sus distintos aspectos y relacionarlos con los desafíos enfrentados en espacios formales y no formales de educación. Nuestra hipótesis es que esta perspectiva puede ser muy útil para un cambio sustancial en los modelos educativos vigentes y que trae posibilidades creativas e innovadoras de pensar y hacer la educación.

Martes 22 de octubre de 2019Investigación relacional en procesos de cuidado al cuidador, desde una perspectiva socioconstruccionista
Ver la grabación de la llamada. Haga clic aquí
Únase a la conversación en línea sobre este tema de investigación. Haga clic aquí.
Facilitador: Rocío Chaveste
Investigador: Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. – Ecuador
Esta conversación será en español

Reflexionaremos sobre la necesidad del autocuidado responsable de los operadores y profesionales en el campo social; comprendiendo que los procesos dialógicos, generativos y transformadores realmente se crean en conjunto. Es una invitación a entender la investigación desde el Construccionismo Social como un proceso interrelacional entre interlocutores en relación entre sí. La investigación relacional como un deseo de aprender con los demás, con ideas y conceptos que informan prácticas, no pasos a seguir, recetas o técnicas. La investigación es parte de este proceso de reflexión crítica; es abrazar y disfrutar de la complejidad; cuestionando el statu quo, las formas sociales opresivas. Aprendiendo a vivir en la multiplicidad discursiva. Necesitamos elegir palabras que nos permitan trabajar con muchos mundos posibles. Partimos de la confianza en que existen recursos propios, valiosos y respetables en todos los integrantes de la conversación. Confiamos, en que el trabajo puede ser una experiencia que tenga sentido y que amplié, con creatividad, imaginación y generosidad, el sentido de nuestras propias vidas.

Activities in 2018

Sept 25-28, 2018 – The 3rd International Relational Research Symposium
A Bi-Lingual (English/Spanish) Virtual Conversation and Learning Opportunity: Challenges and Opportunities of Doing Research from Relational Perspectives

¡ATENCIÓN! el simposio es bilingüe Inglés/Español. Para traducir estas mismas páginas por favor da click arriba a la derecha en el logo del traductor de “Google”. Selecciona la opción en “español”

  • September 25-26: Online Virtual Conference: Keynote presentations and breakout group dialogues – this was the main part of the virtual symposium and these days were live online and synchronous.
  • September 21-28: Online Poster and Paper Presentations – asynchronous. 
  • September 28: Online virtual live closing plenary of the week of learning and exploring together. 
  • Read more.

Winter 2017-2018 Article Series – See the article series at this link.

Activities in 2017

Summer 2017 Article Series See the article series at this link.

May 10, 2017 –  a 2 hour virtual global meeting and conversation. About 25 people joined. Presentation by Lenka Formankova, Czech Republic, on Relational Research of migrant families – possibilities and limits, techniques and approaches. 

March 15, 2017 – a 2 hour virtual global meeting and conversation. About 40 people joined. Presentation by Monica Sesma on behalf of the Collaborative-Dialogic Research Project to collect and archive research on collaborative practices.

Activities in 2016

March 9-11, 2016  – The  Second International Relational Research Symposium
A Virtual Gathering – Conversations About Relational Research for Social Transformation: This three day (2 hours each day) virtual symposium was an experiment in online connections and meaning making. It was amazing with over 100 people participating. Ken Gergen, Sheila McNamee, and Harlene Anderson were the keynote speakers each session, following by small group dialogues and sharing.

September 14, 2016 – a 2 hour virtual global meeting and conversation. About 60 people joined.  The focus for this gathering was to explore what relational research might look like and how to create an international network.

October 26, 2016 – a 2 hour virtual global meeting and conversation. About 40 people joined.  The research group from Tenerife, Univ. Of Laguna presented their research work and reflections from their group of psychologists, teachers, and elementary school children involved in a collaborative construction on how to be in their classrooms. It is a living generative inquiry.