Tahereh Barati, Kristin Bodiford, Rocío Chaveste, Dawn Dole, Jerry Gale, Philia Issari, Papusa Molina, Ilana Reisz, Josep Seguí, Monica Sesma, and Paloma Torres Dávila.
Welcome to the Taos Institute’s Relational Research Network video series. In this series, we explore research from a relational perspective. We hear from people working with a relational research process and learn about related values, concepts, and practices.
To start, here are some of our ideas:
- Research from a relational perspective embodies a philosophical and co-creative stance. It is thus not a method, per se, but rather a collaborative way-of-being.
- Engaging from this perspective entails an ethical responsiveness to a focus of inquiry. Recognizing that reality is created through language and social structures means it can also be re-created.
- Relational research is a process that is attentive to broader relations and interactions. The purpose is to expand possibilities and co-create transformative potentials.
We hope you enjoy the series and invite you to join in the ongoing conversation at our YouTube Channel.
Start with the introduction video to hear about the ideas and practice of relational research as shared by the coordinating team of this network.
Below is the full list of interviews in English and Spanish. The full playlist is available on YouTube. Remember that you can add subtitles and choose your language: click CC at the bottom of the video to turn subtitles on, then click the Settings icon, go to Subtitles/CC, choose English or Auto-Translate and your desired language.