Taos 2022 Gathering In-Person Event Submission Form

Co-creating a feast of sharing!

This 2022 Taos Institute Gathering is not a traditional conference. It is a week-long series of virtual and in-person Events hosted by YOU, the Taos Associates around the world!


  • Global Opening: Sat. Nov. 12, 10 am – 2 pm EST (New York time).
  • Global Closing: Friday, Nov. 18, 10 am – 2 pm EST (New York time).
  • Nov. 13 – 17 – Many virtual Events hosted by people from around the world will be happening over these five days in a variety of times, languages, topics, and formats.

We encourage those of you who live close to each other or can travel short distances to arrange to meet in-person during that time!

This is an invitation for you or a small group to HOST an In-Person Event in your local area between November 12 and 18. If you are interested in hosting a virtual event instead, please visit the Event Submission page.

IMPORTANT: Please note that as the host, you are responsible for making all arrangements. We are offering to help you promote your in-person event on our Gathering platform but we will not be involved in any of the logistics or communication with local attendees.

You can be as creative as you wish! Here are some ideas to help you get started:

  • Host an In-Person Event in your home, in a public space, at your university, at your workplace, or at a small conference center in your local area/community. 
  • Host this In-Person Event with any number of people. Invite 3, 10, 20 people or more – it is your choice. 
  • Invite Taos associates, colleagues, friends, family, students from your local area to join you – who might enjoy and benefit from learning about social constructionist ideas?
  • Your In-Person Event could be a few hours, a full day or even over several days. 
  • Host your In-Person Event like a Café, a Salon, a conference session, a multi-day gathering, or any design you would like. 
  • Involve others to share planning, expenses, and leadership.
  • Host your In-Person Event around any of the following:
    • Sharing a meal together
    • Watching some of the Gathering virtual events together
    • Creating space for dialogue, discovering, planning, sharing, presenting
    • Active engagement, movement, walking
    • Play and performance, improv

Your In-Person Event participants will be able to share with all who register for the virtual Gathering by posting pictures, videos, or comments of your in-person event on the virtual Gathering platform – we want to see what is happening live around the world! You may also “Present”, in a creative, fun, inspiring way what you have learned, explored, plan to do, and any future-forming activities your group has come up with while meeting in person.

How to Host an In-Person Event during the Taos Institute 2022 Gathering

  1. Fill out this “In-Person Event Submission Form” – As the HOST, you are proposing to organize an In-Person Event. Please note that you are responsible for making all arrangements for this event. We are asking you to share details of your event only so that we can help you promote it by including it in the Gathering program.
  2. All those who get together for In-Person events are encouraged to register and pay for the virtual event to be able to access the Events, resources, online conversations, and to fully participate in the Taos 2022 Gathering. The Gathering program and virtual events will only be accessible to registered participants.
  3. People who live in your area or can travel short distances to attend your in-person event will communicate directly with you, the HOST (NOT via the Taos Institute), about the event details. Your event will be included on the Gathering platform and those who have registered for the Gathering can contact you via this platform and also register for your in-person event (optional).
  4. For the form, you will need the following information: 
    • Host name (you)
    • Contact information (for participants to contact you directly regarding the event)
    • Event title (be clear as to what type of event it is, ex. Houston, TX walk and talk, Happy Hour at Sam’s in Paris, France, Discussion circle on Education as Relating, XYZ University…)
    • Event date(s) and time(s), and your local time zone (Please note that some countries are switching time around that time of the year. You may want to check out the full program for the Gathering to decide when you want to plan your In-Person Event.)
    • Event venue (home, office, university, public space, restaurant, etc. Include type and full name) and address (specific address as will be listed in the Gathering program, include a website and phone number if available, anything to make it easy for the participants to travel to and find the venue) 
    • Event Description (Be specific as to the activity, format, topic, etc. This description will be used in the Event listing)
    • Event primary language
    • Other details: Include any other information to help people prepare for your in-person event (attire, what to bring or prepare, directions, parking/travel details, cost, dietary notes, etc). 
    • Last day people can register for your in-person event, if applicable
    • Minimum or maximum number of people, if applicable

Host an In-Person Event during the Taos Institute 2022 Gathering!

Submission deadline: September 30, 2022
You will be notified within a few weeks when your Event submission has been accepted. At that time, you will be required to register for The Taos Institute 2022 Gathering in order for us to publish and promote your Event as part of the program.

Other ways to contribute to the Taos Institute 2022 Gathering

The Gathering is hosted on the new Taos Institute Virtual Community platform, which offers lots of new ways to connect with each other, enter into dialogue, and share our work and practices. Here are some ways to participate if you don’t want to host an in-person event:

  • Share a poster to be displayed in the poster gallery
  • Share a recently published paper showcasing innovative constructionist practices
  • Share a 15-minute video about your work that challenges and inspire
  • Send a submission to host a virtual event

Each contribution has a space for online dialogue so, in an asynchronous way, you can engage with others about the presentation you shared. Once you are a member of the Taos Institute Virtual Community, you can organize your settings to be notified each time someone comments or likes your poster, paper or video!

We hope this Gathering will:

  • Inspire and enliven those attending/viewing/reading
  • Promote and explore social construction in new ways
  • Be a way to exchange ideas
  • Co-create new ways of going on together
  • Be fun
  • Build relationships
  • Share your work and invite others to share about their work
  • Invite all voices to participate 
  • Create a space for inclusivity
  • Explore emerging practices

***Everyone participating, Hosting, co-hosting, and sharing, will need to register and pay the fee for the Gathering.

Help us co-create the Taos Institute 2022 Gathering!