後現代教育與發展 – Postmodern Education and Development, by Shi-Jiuan Wu


SKU: 5f64f7329355 Category:


Taos Institute Publications, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-938552-30-4


後現代教育與發展 吳熙琄

這本論文集是由14位來自台灣和中國主要是教授所撰寫的報告論文集。 書的主軸在反思台灣和中國的後現代教育如何演化和實踐。 這本書多元的主題包括後現代教育領導, 後現代教育行政, 後現代教育評估, 後現代教育哲學觀,後現代教育心理, 後現代心理治療, 以及後現代校園建築設計等。 這本書的出版是希望讀者有機會去探索後現代教育的可能性,及提供台灣和中國對教育做檢視和反思。這本書是由開平基金會和開平餐飲學校的創辦人夏惠汶校長所 支持和贊助。

Postmodern Education and Development 

by Shi-Jiuan Wu

Postmodern Education and Development by Shi-Jiuan Wu This book is a collection of papers from 14 authors, primarily professors, from Taiwan and China. The major theme of the book is how postmodern education has evolved and practiced in both Taiwan and China. The topics include leadership, administration, evaluation, philosophy, educational psychology, psychotherapy, and campus design aspects of postmodern education. The purpose of this collection is for readers to have the opportunities to explore what might be possible for postmodern education, and why postmodern education might play a critical role in the education field of both contemporary Taiwan and China. This project was supported and sponsored by Principal Whei-Wun Hsia of Kai-Pin Culinary School. Principal Hsia is the Founder of Kai-Pin Foundation in Taipei, Taiwan.



August 21, 2019 5:18 am

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