Disarmed Warriors: Narratives with Youth Ex-combatants in Colombia
by Victoria Lugo
ISBN: 978-1-938552-56-4
Copyright © 2017
WorldShare Book
PDF/online E-book version
Disarmed warriors: narratives with youth ex-combatants in Colombia is a powerful statement about the nature of the child soldiers’ world, providing glimpses of what life is and has been and will be like for such children. The analysis is sophisticated, nuanced, and balanced in terms of both the potentials of the children exiting this way of life, and the difficulties they suffer. Readers of all backgrounds and interests will find much to absorb them and give them direction in dealing with such children and their families. It is one of the few books that give the audience a clear, intimate, glance into the lives of this population. The book is fascinating to read, shares many details from the lives of these children, as well as the other soldiers, the families involved, and the political tensions that frame the post-war experiences of these children.
Few books are able to address this set of concerns from such a close-in perspective. The author’s relationship with the former child-soldiers, her connection to the country, the cultural context, and to the ideas that help to shape our understandings of war, this particular conflict, and the children who are swept up into it, directly, as well as indirectly, is almost unique.
– Mary Gergen, PhD, The Taos Institute
Author: Victoria Lugo, PhD
Victoria is Psychologist and has a master’s degree in public health. She completed her PhD through Tilburg University in 2014, under the supervision of Dr. Sheila McNamee. Her dissertation “Disarmed warriors: narratives with youth ex-combatants in Colombia” was honored Cum Laude.
From 2009 until now, Victoria works as a researcher at CEDAT (Centre for conflict, violence and cohabitation studies). Her work is focused on conflict and post-conflict transformation through social constructionist, dialogue and narrative approaches. She is Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences, and currently the editor of Eleuthera, a social science journal edited by Universidad de Caldas.
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