Experiential Learning Exercises In Social Construction: A Field Book for Creating Change
by Robert Cottor, Alan Asher, Judith Levin, and Cindy Weiser, The Institute for Creative Change
Robert Cottor, Alan Asher, Judith Levin and Cindy Weiser, 2021 (WorldShare Books), 2004 (original in print)
ISBN (print): 0-7880-2122-2
ISBN (WorldShare Books): 978-1-938552-88-5
This field book presents exercises that have been organized into Learning Labs that will invite innovative thinking and practice with those familiar with social construction theory as well as those who are newcomers to constructionist thinking. Learning Labs are designed to generate new thinking about diverse societal and professional issues. These exercises promote and enhance creative change strategies for mental health, educational and organizational development professionals.
Readers’ Comments
“This fieldbook will be a wonderful resource for university professors and practitioners alike. The exercises are designed to challenge our socially constructed notions of truth and meaning.”
— Dr. Gloria Cuadraz, Associate Professor, Arizona State University West
“For academics and students in classrooms, this book is an important tool for waking up the mind to thinking critically about the social world we all live in, instead of passively letting ideas get banked into our heads. The assumption of this book of learning labs is that creating new meaning is the pathway to positive personal and social change. The learning labs give students the opportunities to understand the notion of multiple voices, multiple selves and multiple realities. The exercises affirm the “we” rather than the “I” as a fundamental way of living in the world, and learning how to view things through appreciative inquiry. These learning labs would also be useful to campuses that are developing learning communities for critical consciousness and social justice.”
— Lynet Uttal, PhD, Human Development and Family Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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