Healing Conversations Now: Enhance Relationships with Elders and Dying Loved Ones



Healing Conversations Now: Enhance Relationships with Elders and Dying Loved Ones

by Joan Chadbourne & Tony Silbert

Taos Institute Publications WorldShare Books ©2024, ISBN 978-1-958170-11-3

We might be drawn to initiate Healing Conversations for a variety of reasons: Tony recognized the time was now if he was going to know his mom as a whole person before she died of small-cell lung cancer. Crisis compelled Joan to have more meaningful and powerfully intimate conversations with each of her parents before they died. Those interactions moved her to begin years of on-going conversations with her elder aunts. They continue today.

As we reflected on these life-changing interactions, we realized: no matter what compels us to enter into Healing Conversations, the outcome is the same. Relationships are enhanced. Those who engage in Healing Conversations experience a more satisfying connection and a greater sense of loving and being loved.

In this book you’ll find stories to inspire you to initiate Healing Conversations with your elders and dying loved ones. Questions and conversation starters are also provided, to help you know what to say and do. The handbook section will guide you, step-by-step, as you engage in these new conversations. They will open your heart, give you a better understanding of loved ones, ensure that you have the conversations you need and want to have. You will find peace and have no regrets and so will your loved ones.

About the Authors 

Joan Chadbourne has a doctorate in counseling psychology, has been a professor, consultant to organizations, and coach in US and abroad. This new work combines the best of her previous professional work with deeply moving personal experiences. She is available as coach, speaker, or facilitator to families, individuals, and organizations.

Tony Silbert has a masters degree in organization development. He uses the philosophical foundation of Healing Conversations and Appreciative Inquiry, in his work. His experience domestically and abroad has demonstrated the power of these conversations both professionally and personally. He has a commitment to positively transform elder and long-term care.

For more information, visit www.HealingConversationsNow.com and http://changingaging.org/

In this short video, the author, Tony Silbert, is interviewed by Dr. Bill Thomas about the new book.


“What I liked most about this book is summed up in one sentence: “You are not there to fix anything.” Partway through the book, I realized that I felt as though I were in a conversation with the authors and all of the characters whose stories are sprinkled throughout the chapters. We readers are not asked to change, but simply to become who we are, to listen and appreciate.” — Kali Lightfoot, Executive Director of the National Resource Center of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes.

 “This unique and useful book offers each of us tools to create conversations that deepen the spiritual and personal well being of both the caregiver and those in their care. In this new way of having exchanges a deepening relationship is the reward to be discovered.” — Connie Goldman, author of The Gifts of Caregiving — Stories of Hardship, Hope and Healing.
“We accept, without thinking the idea that conversations about aging and the end of life must be “hard.” While it is true that such discussions can stir unfamiliar and uncomfortable emotions what has yet to be appreciated is how powerful and HEALING such conversations can be. This book leads readers skillfully into the world of “Healing Conversations.” No jargon. No nonsense. No fluff. It is a guide to the most important conversations you and your family will ever have.” — Dr. William H. Thomas is an international authority on geriatric medicine and eldercare. He is a proponent of Person-centered care, introduced the Eden Alternative, and is founder of the Green House Project. He can be found at www.ChangingAging.org.
October 2, 2024 2:04 pm

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