Lifescaping Project: Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry in San Francisco Bay Area Schools, Edited by Rolla E. Lewis, Ardella Dailey, Greg Jennings, Peg Winkelman


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Lifescaping Project: Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry in San Francisco Bay Area Schools
Edited by Rolla E. Lewis, Ardella Dailey, Greg Jennings, Peg Winkelman

ISBN: 978-1-938552-53-3
Copyright © 2017

WorldShare Book
PDF/online E-book version

Lifescaping moves Ken Gergen’s “world forming” metaphor toward showing how such practices are ongoing and continuous works designed to bring about a more desirable world or local community. Like landscaping and gardening, lifescaping is a continuous and never-ending process of being actively engaged in bringing about the beauty you want to see come to life.

With support from the Taos Institute, the Lifescaping Project created a WorldShare book titled: Lifescaping Project: Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry in San Francisco Bay Area Schools (2017). We offer it as a document and testimony of our own efforts and as an invitation and guide for lifescaping your own schools and communities. Let many projects flourish and bring forth gardens of democracy in our public schools and public squares.

For more information on the project, visit:

August 21, 2019 5:17 am

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