Magien i organisationer


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Magien i organisationer
The Magic of Organisational Life

by Mette Vinther Larsen

January 2018

Magien i organisationer inviterer dig til at se på dit arbejdsliv med nye og nysgerrige øjne. Bogen giver dig mulighed for at reflektere over velkendte organisatoriske, strategiske og ledelsesmæssige udfordringer ud fra et perspektiv, der åbner op for den magi, organisatorisk liv rummer. Dette perspektiv understreger signifikansen af at forblive udforskende og kontinuerligt søge efter nye veje, når hverdagens opgaver løses. Magien i organisationer minder os om vores allestedsnærværende mulighed for at skabe et udviklende og frisættende arbejdsliv, når vi tør udforske det ukendte.

I bogen vil du møde Charlie Marsk, der er arbejdsmiljøkonsulent ved Arbejdstilsynet i England. Bogen beskriver, hvordan Charlies arbejdsdag udfolder sig. Netop denne dag skal Charlie føre tilsyn på den lokale chokoladefabrik; Den Gyldne Karamel. Ledelsen på Den Gyldne Karamel er meget optaget af en strategiproces, de har arbejdet med gennem længere tid og netop den dag, Charlie besøger chokoladefabrikken, skal strategien præsenteres for hele organisationen.

Som historien udfolder sig bliver Charlie viklet ind i mane forskellige aktiviteter og han deltager i mange forskellige samtaler med Peter Pekan, der er CEO på Den Gyldne Karamel samt andre medarbejdere og ledere på chokoladefrabrikken som eksempelvis Hr. Macaroon og Frøken Pebermynte. Da Charlie, sidst på dagen tager hjem, gør han det som en forandret mand. Men det er uvist, hvordan og hvad hans næste handling kommer til at være.

De begivenheder Charlie oplever kan ved første øjekast godt synes besynderlige og langt fra hverdagen i en dansk organisation. Men, når du ser ud over de imaginære og eventyrlige aspekter af historien, så kommer der ikke desto mindre mere velkendte organisatoriske, strategiske og ledelsesmæssige udfordringer frem. De kommer dog ikke frem af sig selv. Du skal arbejde lidt for det. Historien begynder nemlig først at tage form, få farve og udvikle smag, når du blander dem med dine erfaringer.

Jeg håber, at du vil nyde denne lille bog og forholde nogle af tankerne til dit organisatoriske liv på måde, hvor magien får lov til at udspile sig og tryllebinde dig og dem omkring dig.

The Magic of Organisational Life invites you to look at your everyday work life through new eyes. It allows you to reflect upon well-known organisational, strategic and managerial challenges from a magical perspective. This perspective emphasizes what our imagination can do, if only we set it free. The Magic of Organisational Life gently reminds us of our capacity to create flourishing ways of being at work.

In the book, you will meet Charlie Marsh, a consultant from the National Working Environment Committee. The book describes how Charlie’s workday unfolds. On this particular day, Charlie is visiting a local sweet factory, The Golden Caramel, that is immersed in a strategy process. As the story unfolds, Charlie becomes enmeshed in many activities, and he engages in various conversations with Mr Peter Pecan, the CEO, and other managers and employees at The Golden Caramel, including Mr Macaroon and Ms Peppermint. During Charlie’s visit, he continually experiences organisational practices and understandings that are unfamiliar to him, and that he has a hard time understanding. Thus, he feels forced to reflect upon how he lives his organisational life and what he takes for granted. And as Charlie leaves The Golden Caramel at the end of the day, he does so as a changed man, although how he has changed and what his next action will be remains open.

The events Charlie experiences might at first appear to be a bit peculiar and outside your everyday context. Nevertheless, once you move beyond the imaginary and adventurous aspects of the story and bring your own practices into play, the well-known organisational, strategic and managerial challenges that are hidden underneath the luscious coating begin to emerge. They do, however, not emerge on their own. Instead they begin to take shape, gain context and colour and come alive as you let them mesh with your own experiences, knowledge and taken-for-granted norms and rules.

We hope you will enjoy this book, reflect on the organisational life in which you partake, and find some nuggets of wisdom that might make your work life a bit more magical.

Readers Comments:
“Mette Vinther Larsen has opened the door to managers, leaders, students, and all who aspire to transform the way we think about leadership. In her fictional depiction of organizational life, she brings vibrancy to a relational sensibility and shows us how we work together, in collaboration, to create a (work) environment that inspire us.”

― Sheila McNamee, Ph.D.
Professor of Communication, University of New Hampshire

“Like an H. C. Andersen fairy tale, this book makes you wiser on what happens when creativity is set free in organisations. This knowledge is crucial if you as a leader want people to take ownership of the organisational changest that ensure the survival of the organisation in this everchanging world.”

― Anne-Marie Ulrik
Executive Medical Officer, Greenland

August 21, 2019 5:17 am

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