Paths to Positive Aging: Dog Days with a Bone and Other Essays



Paths to Positive Aging: Dog Days with a Bone and Other Essays

by Mary Gergen and Kenneth Gergen

Taos Institute Publications WorldShare Books ©2024, ISBN 978-1-958170-09-0
Taos Institute Publications printed version ©2017, ISBN 978-1-938552-50-2

Mary and Ken Gergen have been devoted to the cause of reinventing aging. To focus on the gains of aging is to realize that the later years are among the richest and most rewarding of one’s life. In their dedication to this reconstruction, the Gergens published for over 20 years and in seven different languages, the Positive Aging Newsletter (, where the Gergens shared ideas and experiences designed to inspire others as they age.

A choice selection of their newsletter essays is contained within this book. Adding delightful dimension to these commentaries are photographs they have selected from their own albums. This volume is a treasure trove for erasing the stereotypes that darken the vision of aging, and encountering the passing years as a marvelous gift. It is a persuasive document declaring that we are indeed fortunate to grow old.

The book makes an excellent addition to everyone’s home library and a perfect conversation starter on a living room table.


About the Authors:



True confession, I am biased. Mary and Kenneth Gergen have been my role models and heroes since I fi rst thought of myself as old (old—a beautiful word, my favorite in the English language) and read an issue of their Positive Aging Newsletter. From the fi rst photograph of Mary and Ken, which will make readers laugh out loud with joy, to essays with titles such as “Shedding Ageism,” “Aging As Art,” “Zest and Zing,” and “Positive Aging: Not All Smiley Faces,” readers of all ages will find new meanings and ways of thinking about that beautiful word.
~ Dr. Ellen Cole, The Sage Colleges, Troy, NY

This book is unique and powerful. It off ers many pathways to positive aging that can be easily applied to the aging process. It illuminates the multiple possibilities for elders to thrive as they encounter the challenges as well as the opportunities of aging.
~ Bob Cottor, M.D., and Sharon Cottor, MSW, Scottsdale, AZ

How does positivity move towards enlightenment? When does refl ection on experience lead to wisdom? In this book of short essays, stories, and personal photos about themselves, their friends, family, and other elder experts, the pioneering editors of the Positive Aging Newsletter, Mary and Ken Gergen, offer means to grace your life with purpose and passion.
~ Peter Whitehouse, MD, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio

June 18, 2024 2:30 pm

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