Positive Approaches to Peacebuilding: A Resource for Innovators



Positive Approaches to Peacebuilding: A Resource for Innovators

by Cynthia Sampson, Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Claudia Liebler, and Diana Whitney

Taos Institute Publications WorldShare Books ©2024, ISBN 978-1-958170-05-2
Taos Institute Publications Reprinted ©2010, ISBN 978-0-981907-63-5

Positive Approaches to Peacebuilding presents an innovative perspective on peacebuilding that breaks new ground. The theoretical frameworks are rich enough to satisfy scholars, the case studies are practical enough to engage practitioners and the tips and guides to practice are sure to inspire new and innovative work among peacebuilders. This book beautifully describes the social construction of imagined futures, inviting us, as scholar-practitioners, to move beyond ‘problem solving’ and its ethic of ‘neutrality,’ towards Appreciative Inquiry, and its ethics of narrative, voice, and meaning-making, relying on the heart-wisdom that flourishes in the context of affirmation This book powerfully delivers what it promises — a provocation to think more deeply about how we conduct our peacemaking and peacebuilding relationships. A must read for those who dare to make a difference.


“This book beautifully describes the social construction of imagined futures, inviting us, as scholar-practitioners, to move beyond ‘problem solving’ and its ethic of ‘neutrality,’ towards Appreciative Inquiry, and its ethics of narrative, voice, and meaning-making, relying on the heart-wisdom that flourishes in the context of affirmation.”

— Dr. Sara Cobb, Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University

“This book powerfully delivers what it promises—a provocation to think more deeply about how we conduct our peacemaking and peacebuilding relationships. At a minimum, it dissatisfies us with our inabilities to ask questions that change relationships. At a maximum, it challenges us to ask whether we could not work differently altogether. For those who dare to read, the impact will last a lifetime.”
— Dr. Harold H. Saunders, International Institute

“This book presents an innovative perspective on peacebuilding that breaks new ground while maintaining strong roots and relationships in tradition.”
— Ambassador John McDonald, Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy

June 12, 2024 9:54 am

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