Manuscripts in English
Below are links to manuscripts from Taos Founders, Board Members & Associates
Khawla Abu-Baker Manuscripts
Harlene Anderson, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Collaborative-Dialogue Based Research as Everyday Practice: Questioning our Myths (208.07 KB)
- Collaborative Inquiry: A Postmodern Approach to Organizational Consultation (364.58 KB)
- Collaborative Relationships and Dialogic Conversations: Ideas for a Relationally Responsive Practice (341.56 KB)
- Listening, Hearing and Speaking: Thoughts on the Relationship to Dialogue (129.26 KB)
- Listening, Hearing and Speaking: Brief Thoughts on the Relationship to Dialogue (150.73 KB)
- Tips For How To Have A Good Assistant (614.83 KB)
- Speaking, Listening, Responding, Hearing and Understanding
Frank Barrett, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Creating Appreciative Learning Cultures (754.95 KB)
- Creativity and Improvisation in Jazz and Organizations: Implications for Organizational Learning (1.23 MB)
- Generative Metaphor Intervention: A New Approach for Working with Systems Divided by Conflict and Ca (1.12 MB)
- History as a Mode of Inquiry in Organizational Life: a Role for Human Cosmogony (1.25 MB)
- Social Construction and Appreciative Inquiry: a Journey in Organizational Theory (1.69 MB)
- Radical Aesthetics and Change (921.35 KB)
- The Transforming Nature of Metaphors in Group Development: a Study in Group Theory (1.44 MB)
- The Organizational Construction of Hegemonic Masculinity: The Case of the US Navy (992.11 KB)
Susanne Lucie Bauer, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Saliha Bava, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Implementing Collective Approaches to Massive Trauma/Loss in Western Contexts (253.82 KB)
- Transforming Performances: An Intern-Reseacher’s Hypertextual Journey in a Postmodern Community
Arthur Bochner Ph.D. Manuscripts
Rev. Bliss W. Browne Manuscripts
- Liberating Imagination about Aging (127.54 KB)
Anastasia Bukashe Manuscripts
- The Politics of Appreciation (117.83 KB)
Celiane Camargo Borges, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Renouncing Methamphetamine: A Relational Perspective (426.83 KB)
- Narratives of Learning: The Personal Portfolio in the Portfolio Approach to Teaching and Learning
- Promoting and Recovering Health (70.07 KB)
- Collaborative Group Practices: Exercising Dialogue in a Healthcare Setting (162.94 KB)
- Creativity and Imagination: Research as World-Making (582.23 KB)
- Social Constructionism in the Context of Organization Development (312.42 KB)
- Education as community affair: Digitally designing knowledge (1MB)
Kathleen Clark, Ph.D. Manuscripts
David L Cooperrider, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- A Positive Revolution in Change: Appreciative Inquiry (499.5 KB)
- Creating a Forum Where Leaders of the World’s Religions Can Gather in Mutual Respect and Dialogue (226.34 KB)
- Social Construction and Appreciative Inquiry: A Journey in Organizational Theory (4.02 MB)
- The Positive Arc of Systemic Strengths: How Appreciative Inquiry and Sustainable Designing Can Bring (1.03 MB)
Jan DeFehr, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Incarnating Dialogic Social Inquiry (201.87 KB)
- Transforming Encounters and Interactions (119.24 KB)
- Dissertation Link
Sally Denham-Vaughan Manuscripts
- Moving Towards More Supportive Fields (197.71 KB)
- The Process of Presence: Engergitic Availability and Fluid Repsonsiveness (111.42 KB)
- Will And Grace: An Integrative Dialectic Central To Gestalt Psychotherapy (290.22 KB)
- Field-Relational Coaching for Gestalt Beginners: The PAIR Model (106.27 KB)
- The Liiminal Space and Twelve Action Practices for Gracious Living (1.1 MB)
- For resources in the form of free-for-download papers, podcasts, and short videos click here
Ezekiel Dixon-Roman, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Carolyn Ellis, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Claire Fialkov, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- AI Practitioner: Tukae Tusemesane – Let’s Sit Down and Reason Together Enlivening Strengths and Comm (1.13 MB)
- Appreciative Clinical Training (74.61 KB)
- Let’s Sit Down and Reason Together: A Collaborative Curriculum (676.19 KB)
- Teaching To Strengths: Character Education for Urban Middle School Students
Saúl Coco Fuks, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Jerry Gale, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Sex After Divorce: Older Adult Women’s Reflections (1.3 MB)
- Filling In The Gaps: Listening Through Dialogue (221 KB)
- Meditation Skills for the Mediation Process (127.58 KB)
- Challenges and benefi ts in the creation of an interdisciplinary clinic (898.64 KB)
- Discursive Analysis: A Research Approach For Studying The Moment-To-Moment Construction Of Meaning I (216.56 KB)
- Experiencing relational thinking: Lessons from Improvisational Theater (40.72 KB)
- Ten Considerations in the Development of the Financial Therapy Profession (778.31 KB)
Kenneth J. Gergen, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Kenneth Gergen’s manuscripts are available at his homepage.
- From Mirroring to World-Making: Research as Future Forming (352.84 KB)
- Sample chapter from the 2nd Edition of “An Invitation to Social Construction”. (1.48 MB)
- Social Constructionism and its Development (63.43 KB)
- Pursuing Excellence in Qualitative Inquiry
- The Promises of Qualitative Inquiry (240.82 KB)
Mary M Gergen, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Toward a New Psychology of Gender (108.54 KB)
- The Production of Danger and the Economy of Fear: A Focus on Gender Relations: Notes for a Conversat (101.52 KB)
- Positionings in Gendered Relations: From Constructivism to Constructionism (135.74 KB)
- Facing Off: Postmodern/Feminism (106.85 KB)
- Corpo-(un)reality; Embodied Specie-ous (98.57 KB)
Rosario María Fraga Gómez, MD Manuscripts
Miguel M. Gonçalves, Ph.D. Manuscripts
David Haddad Manuscripts
- AI Practitioner: Tukae Tusemesane – Let’s Sit Down and Reason Together Enlivening Strengths and Comm (1.13 MB)
- Appreciative Clinical Training (74.61 KB)
Carina Håkansson, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- About solidarity, courage and professional talks (1.65 MB)
- Including both: family home placement in a therapeutic context (2.3 MB)
Christopher Hall, PhD, LCSW Manuscripts
Phillip L. Hammack, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Gitte Haslebo, MS Manuscripts
Hubert J.M. Hermans, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Fields of Tension in a Boundary-Crossing World: Towards a Democratic Organization of the Self (630.07 KB)
- Self, Identity, and Globalization in Times of Uncertainty: A Dialogical Analysis (232.35 KB)
- The Dialogical Self: Toward a Theory of Personal and Cultural Positioning (192.22 KB)
- Voicing the Self: From Information Processing to Dialogical Interchange (3.25 MB)
Carsten Hornstrup, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Carsten Hornstrup’s website:
- From Appreciative Inquiry to inquiring appreciatively (1.13 MB)
- Leadership as Reflexive Positioning (960.95 KB)
- Team coaching and reflecting teams (760.95 KB)
Philia Issari, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- The Open Dialogue pilot project in a Day centre in Athens: the role of mental health professionals in democratising psychiatric care
- The Open Dialogue pilot project in a Day center in Athens: A tool of health democracy within mental health reform in Greece
Roberta Rehner Iversen, Ph.D. LSW Manuscripts
- Additional Roberta Rehner Iversen manuscipts are available at this link
- Assessment and Social Construction: Conflict or Co-Creation? (569.06 KB)
- How Much Do We Count? Interpretation and Error-Making in the Decennial Census (2.58 MB)
- Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans: What Might a Sociological Embeddedness Perspective Offer Disaster (831.28 KB)
- Parents’ Work, Depressive Symptoms, Children, and Family Economic Mobility (197.47 KB)
- Review of Dan Zuberi, Differences That Matter: Social Policy and the Working Poor in the United Stat (197.47 KB)
- Using African American Narratives to Analyze Social Policy (135.82 KB)
Barbara Jago, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Arlene Katz, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Sandra Kensen Manuscripts
- Interaction Research: Joining Persons, Theories, and Practices (113.19 KB)
- Playing with Boundaries as Democratic Scholars (82.38 KB)
Esko Kilpi Manuscripts
- Esko Kilpi, a link to his research and writings
- Perspectives on new work: Exploring emerging conceptualizations (2.06 MB)
Christopher J. Kinman Manuscripts
Ran Kuttner, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Partnership Between Arab and Jewish Communities for the Construction of Shared Society – A Book on the Givat Haviva Model
From Co-existence to Shared Society (201.5 KB) - Cultivating Dialogue: From Fragmentation to Relationality in Conflict Interaction (127.14 KB)
- Dialogue, Dispute Resolution, and Talk-Ininteraction (144.37 KB)
- From Adversity to Relationality: A Buddhist (347.16 KB)
- From Positionality to Relationality (515.49 KB)
- The Wave Particle Tension in Negotiation (249.81 KB)
- What Does It Mean To Do The Right Thing? (107.96 KB)
Maurits G.T. Kwee, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- A Social Psychology of Loving-kindness Carved in Stone (709.21 KB)
- Buddhist Psychology: Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religion (90.04 KB)
- On Buddhist-Lite And Pristine Mindfulness Meditation: A Social Construction Perspective (77.56 KB)
- Relational Buddhism: A Psychological Quest for Meaning and Sustainable Happiness (128.68 KB)
- Relational Buddhism: An Integrative Psychology Of Happiness Amidst Existential Suffering (113.37 KB)
C. McKenna Lang, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- A Western King and an Ancient Notion: Reflections on the Origins of Ombudsing (484.21 KB)
- Institutional Ombudsing: Considering the Role of Discourse (198.98 KB)
Mette Vinther Larsen Manuscripts
William Lax, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Narrative Therapy and Buddhism: Paths Toward Liberation (69.17 KB)
- Narrative, Social Constructionism, and Buddhism (167.14 KB)
Paul Lesile, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Susan Lord, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Meditative dialogue: A tool for engaging students in collaborative learning processes. Journal of Fa (45.02 KB)
- Meditative dialogue: Cultivating sacred space in psychotherapy- An intersubjective fourth? (175.42 KB)
- Meditative Dialogue: Cultivating the Transformative Theater of Psychotherapy (114.03 KB)
- Systemic work with clients with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. (112.84 KB)
- Theoretical frameworks for working with harder to reach families: lines, curlicues, and spirals (286.05 KB)
William Madsen, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Narrative Approaches to Organizational Development: A Case Study of Implementation of Collaborative (268.24 KB)
- William C. Madsen, Ph.D. Non-English Manuscripts
- A Tool to Guide Thinking and Action in Family-Centered Services (115.2 KB)
- Bringing Vision Into Child Protective Services (398.25 KB)
- Collaborative Helping: A Practice Framework for Family-Centered Services (169.73 KB)
- Collaborative Therapy with Multi-Stressed Families
- Narrative Approaches to Organizational Development (268.24 KB)
- Supporting Professional Development, Supervision and Work Teams in Family-Centered Practice (1.72 MB)
- Sustaining a Collaborative Practice in the “Real” World (337.51 KB)
- Taking it to the Streets (271.71 KB)
- Teaching across Discourses to Sustain Collaborative Clinical Practice (74.26 KB)
Robert J. Marshak, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Elspeth McAdam Manuscripts
- Feeding and fanning the winds of creative imagination (181.85 KB)
- Gianfranco you keep me smiling! Ideas from a conference in Århus (148.77 KB)
- Meetings for the first time. Making connections, openings to the best way forward. (102.09 KB)
- Referrals, referrers and the system of concern (87.93 KB)
- Voices of Reconciliation (125.63 KB)
Imelda Colgan McCarthy, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- A traumatic intrusion with transgressive possibilities (4.26 MB)
- The fifth province: Imagining a space of dialogical co-creations! (3.92 MB)
Mark McKergow, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Sheila McNamee, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Radical presence: Alternatives to the therapeutic state (371.38 KB)
- Relational Bridges Between Constructionism and Constructivism (69.16 KB)
- Sheila McNamee’s manuscripts are available at
- The Social Construction of Psychotherapy (60.25 KB)
- Therapy and Identity Construction In A Postmodern World (69.2 KB)
- Resources for facilitating different worldviews.
Matilda Mettälä Manuscripts
- Trusting The Flow of Experiences (369.25 KB)
- When Researchers Embrace an Artistic Lens: A Review of Patricia Leavy’s Method Meets Art
- A Review of Ronald J. Pelias’ Performance: An Alphabet of Performative Writing
Bernard Mohr Manuscripts
- The Power of A Positive Lens in Peace Building and Development (212.82 KB)
- Essentials of Appreciative Inquiry
Gerald Monk, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- A New Approach to Conflict Resolution (91.46 KB)
Tanya Mudry, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Ottar Ness, Ph.D. Publications
- Action Research in a Relational Perspective: Dialogue, Reflexivity, Power and Ethics
- The Relational Essence of Natural Recovery: Natural Recovery as Relational Practice
Pavel Nepustil Manuscripts
- Renouncing Methamphetamine: A Relational Perspective (426.83 KB)
- The Relational Essence of Natural Recovery: Natural Recovery as Relational Practice
Luis Miguel Neto Manuscripts
Janet Newbury, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- A Place for Theoretical Inconsistency (325.16 KB)
- Seeking Solutions Without Centering Problems (551.19 KB)
- The Paradox of The Individual (113.63 KB)
David Paré, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Barnett Pearce, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Aligning The Work Of Government To Strengthen The Work Of Citizens: A Study Of Public Administrators (337.43 KB)
- Barnett Pearce’s manuscripts are available on the Pearce Associates website
- Doing Research From The Perspective Of The Coordinated Management Of Meaning (CMM) (252.31 KB)
- Pearce, W. B. (2009) Communication and social construction: Claiming our birthright (pp. 33-56). (215.31 KB)
Louise Phillips, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Epistemological (Im)possibilities and the Play of Power (309 KB)
- What’s in the ‘co’? Tending the tensions in cocreative inquiry in social work education (1.15 MB)
Kumar Ravi Priya Manuscripts
- Documentary analysis as a qualitative methodology to explore disaster mental health
- On the Social Constructionist Approach to Traumatized Selves in Post-disaster Settings
César A. Cisneros Puebla, Ph.D. Manuscripts
W. Ellen Raboin, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Anne Radford, MS Manuscripts
- A New Business Model
- Working Boldly with Appreciative Inquiry: Examples from the UK AI Network
- The Inside and Outside Worlds of an AI Practitioner
- Adaptable Leadership:A Strengths-based Approach to Challenging Environments and Difficult Choices
Joseph Raelin, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Emancipatory Discourse and Liberation
- From Leadership-as-Practice to Leaderful Practice
- Imagine there are no leaders: Reframing leadership as collaborative agency
- The Gendered Effect of Cooperative Education
- “The Manager as Facilitator of Dialogue”
- Toward a methodology for studying leadership-as-practice
- Hierarchy’s subordination of democracy and how to outrank it
- What are you afraid of: Collective leadership and its learning implications
Jonathan D. Raskin, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Peter Rober, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Marjorie Roberts, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Sallyann Roth, LICSW Manuscripts
Sally A. St. George Manuscripts
- Process Ethics: A Collaborative Partnership (59.59 KB)
Peggy Sax, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Developing preferred stories (77.51 KB)
- Finding common ground (112.64 KB)
- Re-authoring Teaching Intro chapter (1)
- Re-authoring Teaching, Public Practices chapter (9) (87.06 KB)
Gertina Van Schalkwyk, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Assessing Individual or Family Dynamics (CLET) (1.09 MB)
- Choreographing Learning in Developmental Psychology (182.51 KB)
- Collage Life Story Elicitation Technique (810.43 KB)
- Explorations of Post-Divorce Experiences (2.95 MB)
- Handbook of Youth Counselling (5.3 MB)
- Interpersonal Stress, Not Depression or Hopelessness (473.02 KB)
- Music as a Metaphor for Thesis Writing (117.96 KB)
- Narratives of Third Culture Kids (356.72 KB)
- Perceived Stressors of Suicide and Potential Prevention Strategies (152.37 KB)
- Perceptions of School-based Child and Family Counseling in Macao (SAR)
- The Crown Prince and The Frog-Prince (147.57 KB)
- The Impact of Macao’s Gaming Industry on Family Life (422.66 KB)
Dora Schnitman, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Karen Wilson Scott, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- The Five-Question Method for Framing a Qualitative Research Study (165.29 KB)
- Clarifying Analysis and Interpretation in Grounded Theory (483.07 KB)
- International Journal of Self-Directed Learning 2008 (548.75 KB)
- International Journal of Self-Directed Learning 2006 (1.24 MB)
- Gender Differences in Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Back Substitution in Multiple-Choice Assessment (116.01 KB)
- Relating Categories in Grounded Theory Analysis (124 KB)
Jaakko Seikkula, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Becoming Dialogical: Psychotherapy or a Way of Life? (115.38 KB)
- Healing Elements of Therapeutic Conversation: Dialogue as an Embodiment of Love
- Inner and outer voices in the present moment of family and network therapy
- Making Sense Of Multi-Actor Dialogues In Family Therapy And Network Meetings (239.16 KB)
- Open Dialogues With Good And Poor Outcomes For Psychotic Crises (870.85 KB)
- The Comprehensive Open-Dialogue Approach in Western Lapland (24.52 MB)
- Treatment principles, follow-up outcomes, and two case studies (180.23 KB)
John Shotter, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Hearing The Patient’s ‘Voice’: Toward A Social Poetics In Diagnostic Interviews (1.29 MB)
- The Social Construction of Our ‘Inner’ Lives” (59.35 KB)
Jen Hetzel Silbert, MSOD Manuscripts
Nikki Slocum-Bradley Manuscripts
Reinhard Stelter, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Coaching As A Reflective Space In A Society Of Growing Diversity
- Coaching – Narrative-Collaborative Practice
- International Coaching Psychology Review
- Narrative-Collaborative Group Coaching Develops Social Capital
Tom Strong, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- A Review of Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison’s Objectivity (25.13 KB)
- Collaboration, Generativity, Rigor & Imagination (56.34 KB)
- Considering the dialogic potentials of cognitive therapy (55.48 KB)
- Depression Science and Treatment?
- Talking about the DSM-V (69.71 KB)
- Wordsmithing in counselling? (78.54 KB)
Susan Swim Manuscripts
- A Sea of Ideas on the Reflecting Process (132.57 KB)
- Multiple Voices (64.49 KB)
- Now I See A Person Institute – Description 1 (415.15 KB)
- Now I See A Person Institute – Description 2 (1.8 MB)
- Process Ethics: A Collaborative Partnership (59.59 KB)
- Rebuilding Lives with Equine Assisted Healing (293.8 KB)
- Sacred Voices: Incorporating God and Spirituality in Therapy (59.74 KB)
- Stories of Natural and Sustainable Healing (597.78 KB)
- Testimonials-Close-Encounters-For-Taos-Institute (422.17 KB)
- The Poetics of Learning Therapy – A Supervision Story (400.42 KB)
- Transcending Diagnosis and Co-Creating Client Directed Sustainable Change (289.65 KB)
Alita Taylor, MA, LMFT. Manuscripts
Tojo Thatchenkery, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Affirmation as intervention (87 KB)
Megan Tschannen-Moran Manuscripts
- Appreciative Inquiry (AI): Taking a Strengths-Based Approach to School Change (154.24 KB)
- UCEA Review – Summer (5.13 MB)
Nelson Molina Valencia, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Rens van Loon, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- The Dialogical Leader: Developing Leaders For The Future
- The Secret Of Being A Leader: Searching The Essence
Arne Vestergaard, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Peter J. Whitehouse, MD, Ph.D. Manuscripts
Diana Whitney, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- Exploring-Appreciative-Inquiry-World-Business-Academy-2000 (108.47 KB)
- AI-Creating-Cultures-Article-OD-Practitioner-2006 (164.28 KB)
- AI-Creating-Spiritual-Resonance (530 KB)
- aipmay2012-ai-summit-macro-management (1.11 MB)
- AI-Process-for-Designing-Life-Affirming-AI-Practitioner-2008 (572.65 KB)
- Appreciative_Leadership_and_Participatory_Planning (143.26 KB)
- Appreciative-Inquiry-Positive-Revolution-in-Change (199.15 KB)
- Appreciative-Org-as-Liberating-Space-AI-Practitioner-2004 (801.03 KB)
- Business-as-Agent-OD-Practitioner-2003 (65.2 KB)
- Leading_by_Design (125.42 KB)
- Leading-Positive-Performance (155.81 KB)
- Open-Invitation-AI-Practitioner-2004 (147.86 KB)
- Open-Invitation-AI-Practitioner-2004 (1) (147.86 KB)
- Partnership-At-Work-World-Business-Academy-1997 (2.71 MB)
- Postmodern-Challenges-to-Org-Development (7.98 MB)
- Revolution in change (157.5 KB)
- Secrets-To-Initiating-AI-Practitioner-2006 (166.19 KB)
- Spirituality-as-an-Organizing-Principle (5.53 MB)
- Spirituality-Reflections-2002 (614.16 KB)
- Therapy-Social-Construction-AFTA-1995 (483.25 KB)
- Appreciative Inquiry and the Elevation of Organizational Consciousness
- Appreciative Inquiry: An Innovative Process for Organization Change
- Let’s change the subject and change our organization: an appreciative inquiry approach to organizati
- The Appreciative Inquiry Summit: An Emerging Methodology for Whole System Positive Change
- The Appreciative Inquiry Summit: Overview and Applications
- Why-AI-Works-2010-22-pgs (157.72 KB)
Stanley L. Witkin, Ph.D. Manuscripts
- The Language of Evaluation (217.58 KB)
Daniel P. Wulff Manuscripts
- Process Ethics: A Collaborative Partnership (59.59 KB)