3rd International Relational Research Network Virtual Symposium

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Challenges and Opportunities of Doing Research from Relational Perspectives

Virtual Symposium – September 25 – 26, 2018

Plenary Speakers and Group Dialogues –  Virtual and Live on a conference calling platform 

Ongoing conversations online from Sept. 21 – 28

Posters/papers and online forum conversations from Sept. 21 – 28

The International Relational Research Network is hosting the third international symposium on research from a relational perspective, September 25 -26, 2018.This research symposium will be virtual and online. Individuals and groups from around the world are invited to participate. Keynotes will be translated (English/Spanish), small group conversations will be single language (English or Spanish). The symposium will take place both synchronous (live online – real time) and also asynchronous (online, virtual, anytime using the Taos Learning Community website).

We will be focusing on conversations about the challenges and opportunities of doing research from relational perspectives in different settings, such as academia, communities, indigenous communities, and organizations.

The Program:

There will be a series of conversations by different people who have been invited to share their thoughts and experience in order to spark further conversation. Following each conversation, there will be small group break-out dialogues to expand our collective curiosities and insights.

DAY 1 – We will begin with Ken Gergen and Sheila McNamee talking together about how their view of research has changed over the years and what their thoughts are about research from a relational perspective for the future.

We will then hear from Monica Mulrennan who will discuss indigenous research and the importance of decolonizing research methodologies as well as research as an opportunity for the renewal of relationships.  

Kristin Bodiford, Celiane Camargo Borges, and Jan DeFehr will share specific research examples of community research that are foundationally dialogic and collaborative with hopes for generative and transformative possibilities for all involved.

DAY 2 – Carolyn Ellis and Jenny Helin will discuss ways of writing and thinking about research that invite us into a relational stance and offer opportunities for co-constructing through making connections and relating to ourselves and each other in new ways.

Harlene Anderson, Saliha Bava, Sally St. George, Dan Wulff, Ron Chenail, and Gail Simon will then explore writing and publishing about research from a relational perspective for online and open access journals.

In addition, the symposium will host an online space to share posters and papers and continue the discussions at https://taoslearning.ning.com/groups2/global-relational-research-network/virtual-symposium-2018

Posters and Papers at https://taoslearning.ning.com/groups2/global-relational-research-network/poster-and-papers