Emily Doyle, Ph.D., RPsych
Academic Coordinator, Graduate Centre of Applied Psychology (GCAP)
Athabasca University
Family Therapist and Supervisor
Calgary Family Therapy Centre
Email: edoyle@athabascau.ca
Emily Doyle was born and raised in Newfoundland and now resides in Alberta, Canada. She is a Registered Psychologist, part of the faculty team for the GCAP program at Athabasca University, and a family therapist and supervisor of systemic family therapy at the Calgary Family Therapy Centre. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and English from Dalhousie University (1998), a Master of Counselling degree from Athabasca University (2007), and a PhD from the University of Calgary in Counselling Psychology (2015).
She has experience as an Addictions Counsellor, Family Therapist, Youth Worker, and Wilderness Instructor. These adventures informed her graduate research projects, which included challenging how discourses of “self-esteem” are constructed and imposed in counselling, and how the front-line work of counsellors is institutionally organized. Her approaches to inquiry draw from social constructionism, narrative therapy, discourse analysis, systemic family therapy, and institutional ethnography.
She is currently engaged in research inviting alternative accounts of addiction and recovery, exploring how social justice work in counselling practices is being done, considering relational ethics, discussing the negotiation of family life, and challenging dominant discourses and practices in counselling. She has shared her work with others at local and international conferences, and continues to seek opportunities for professional collaboration that can push the boundaries about what we are able to know about the work that we do.