Marianne Kølle
Publishing director, editor and founder of Mindspace Publishing
MA in Philosophy and Psychology, Denmark
Address: Ryesgade 77, th.
2100 Copenhagen O, Denmark
Phone: 0045 26168481
I was born in Denmark in 1972 and have worked with book publishing for
almost twenty years. I have been a consultant, editor at Danish
Psychological Publishers and publishing director at the Danish
University of Education Press. In 2009 I founded Mindspace Publishing.
I studied an MA in Philosophy and Psychology (2002) and graduated with a
thesis on the good life, formulating a contemporary vocabulary for a
contextual, narrative and sensible virtue ethic, inspired by Aristotle.
Alongside my work as an editor and publisher I have taught in applied
philosophy. In 2004 I graduated from the Danish Publishers Association
courses in publishing.
Mindspace Publishing is guided by a vision of the collaborative creation
of better social worlds. Books published by Mindspace deals with
collaborative and dialogical efforts, language og meaning making
processes, reflective and compassionate practices in fields such as
education, health, therapy, leadership and organizational work.
Key for my work is to publish books that carry thoughts, ideas and
practices inspired by the large area and professional network that
Mindspace Publishing is participating in, interested in social
constructionist, systemic and communication theoretical thinking,
positive psychology, appreciative inquiry, narrative approaches,
leadership and organizational development and applied philosophy and
philosophy with children.