David Cooperrider and Ken Gergen Videos
The Gift of Dialogue and Friendship
Keynote by David Cooperrider and Ken Gergen at the Taos Institute conference in Sarasota, FL, USA, 2008.
Ken and David have been in dialogue for over 30 years, with significant transformations resulting for both. In this dialogue they explore and reflect on the elements that empowered these dialogues. They consider as well their current enthusiasms and ways in which this mutual enrichment continues. This plenary is also a celebration of their warm and generative friendship.
- The Gift of Dialogue and Friendship – part 1
- The Gift of Dialogue and Friendship – part 2
- The Gift of Dialogue and Friendship – part 3
- The Gift of Dialogue and Friendship – part 4
An Important Climate Conversation
Global opening plenary session for the Taos 2022 Gathering online conference in November 2022 with David Cooperrider, Ken Gergen and Sheila McNamee.
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