Lenka Formankova, Ph.D.
Institute of Sociology
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep.
Jilská 1, Prague 1
Czech Republic
Email: lformankova@gmail.com
Mgr. et Mgr. Lenka Formankova, Ph.D. is a Post-doc at the Institute of
Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague and a researcher at
the Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech
Republic. She received degrees in comparative social policy and
psychology. In 2014 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on titled “Working
lives of university educated women in Slovenia and in the Czech
Republic: the role of diverse structural, institutional and cultural
contexts”. In her work, Lenka focuses mainly on social and public policy
analysis from a gender perspective, work and family reconciliation
strategies, and new forms of intimate life using quantitative research
methods, mainly biographic and narrative research. Until today, she has
participated in nine national and international research projects on
welfare policy, gender equality, gender aspects of employment, and new
forms of family and intimate life. She publishes scientific articles in
Czech and international peer-reviewed and impacted journals (e.g.
Journal of Contemporary European Studies; Gender and Management, Journal
of Social Policy and Administration; Sociológia) and co-authored books
“Working paths of women in the Czech Republic” (Prague, 2011) and “One´s
own way? Life course in a late modern society” (Prague, 2014).
Currently she works as an expert in the team of advisors for Family
policy for the Ministry of Work and Social Affairs of the Czech
Republic. Since 2012 is Lenka collaborating with Narativ Brno, and since
2015 she became one of the members. She is a member of the organization
team of The International Symposium on Relational Research.