Rolf Sundet, Ph.D.
Organization affiliations/work:
University College of Buskerud, Drammen, Norway
Ambulant Family Section, Hospital of Drammen, Drammen, Norway
Phone: +4791706211
I am a specialist clinical psychologist working at the Ambulant Family
Section, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Hospital of
Buskerud, and as an associate professor at the University College of
Buskerud, Norway. In addition I do work as a freelance supervisor and
consultant. There are publications in both English and Scandinavian
books and journals and my Ph.d is on the use of client feedback as a
monitoring and conversational tools in family therapy practice.
Theoretical and professional background is the family therapy traditions
connected to the ideas of Gregory Bateson with a special passion for
Humberto Maturana and his “bring forthist” perspective, and with strong
connections to social constructionist and postmodern oriented
perspectives. Work within mental health for children and adolescents
have led to inspirations from developmental psychology and over the
years an increased interest in research based knowledge with a special
affinity for qualitative research.
Current interest are; the ideas of the Process of Change Study Group,
Boston Massachusetts in relation to collaborative, family based
practices; the development of non-medical perspectives on therapeutic
practices; the therapeutic application of standardized measures for
monitoring process and outcome as conversional tools. The overarching
perspective is to relate these interests to collaborative practices
between service users and therapists.
Last publications in English:
- Sundet, R. (2010). Therapeutic collaboration and formalized feedback: Using perspectives from Vygotsky and Bakhtin to shed light on practices in a family therapy unit. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 15(1), 81-95
- Sundet, R. (2011). Collaboration: Family and therapists’ perspectives of helpful therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 37(2), 236-249
- Sundet, R. (2012). Therapist perspectives on the use of feedback on process and outcome: Patient-focused research in practice. Canadian Psychology, 53(2), 122-130
- Sundet, R. (2012). Postmodern-oriented practices and patient-focused research: possibilities and hazards. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy. 33, (4), pp 299 – 308
- Sundet, R. (2012). Patient-focused research supported practices in an intensive family therapy unit. Journal of Family Therapy, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6427.2012.00613.x5. 5.