Jakub Černý, MA
Manager at Narativ
Langrova 11, 627 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Email: info@narativ.cz
Masaryk University in Brno
Czech Republic
Web: www.narativ.cz
Jakub Cerny, MA is a therapist, consultant and social worker. He teaches
psychotherapy seminars and does research focused on collaborative and
dialogical practices at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. Aim
of his dissertation thesis is to explore how collaborative and
dialogical perspective enriches psychotherapy practice in various
psychotherapy contexts of beginning therapists. He has been working as a
psychologist, social worker and researcher mainly in the field of
addictions in the NGO Podane Ruce and the National monitoring center for drug and drug addiction under the Government of the Czech Republic. He is one a co-founder of the Narativ fellowship
that develops collaborative and dialogical practices in psychotherapy,
social work and organizations. Currently he is dedicated mainly to a
psychotherapy practice (relational, mental health issues), collaborative
learning processes and facilitating dialogues focused on a social
change. From 2011 he has been co-facilitating Certificate program in collaborative practices in Czech Republic.
Jakub has spent 6 months at Instituto Kanankil where he taught lectures
focused on field of addiction and psychotherapy inquired beginning
psychotherapists. In Mexico he attended International summer institute
organized by HGI (2012) and Taos conference in Merida (2012), where he
facilitated workshops focused on online reflecting teams and
collaborative writing processes. He is interested in open dialogical
practices and has attended Summer school of family therapy in Leuven and
participated on organizing several workshops in Czech Republic (Justine
van Lawick, Peter Rober). Also he is one of the main organizers of the First international symposium on relational research and the First summit of Taos institute Europe in Prague.
Publications (mainly in Czech):
- Balasova, J., Cerny, J., Nepustil, P., Novotna. K., Chaveste, R., Lopéz, M. (2013) Closeness Never Too Close: The Challenges and Dilemmas of working across two cultures, Journal of collaborative practices. 4(1), 2013:93-109
- Cerny, J. (2013) Collaborative learning communities in: Novotna,K, Nepustil, P. et al. Kolaborativní praxe pro studenty psychologie a psychoterapie (Collaborative practice for students of psychology and psychotherapy). 38-50 pp. Faculty of social science, Masaryk University Brno
- Cerny, J. (2013). Just therapy. Cerny, J. in: Kolaborativní praxe pro studenty psychologie a psychoterapie (Collaborative practice for students of psychology and psychotherapy). 71 – 76 pp. Faculty of social science, Masaryk University Brno
- Cerny, J. (2010). Identity Change by women with drug career in context of family. Diploma thesis at Masaryk University, Brno
- Several articles in Czech academic journal Psychoterapie (2011 –>)