Charis Katakis, Ph.D.
The Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations
Konitsis 33 15125
Maroussi, Athens, Greece
Phone: +30 210-8063665 or 210-6129290 or
Web: and
CHARIS KATAKIS, Ph.D. Psychologist, is the founder and director of the Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations. She is involved in clinical work, educational and community programs, research and publications. Her theoretical and research work in systems has led to the development of an Integrated Model for Systemic Psychotherapy (IMSP), which has been presented in numerous publications and seven books. She has also played an active role in many organizations and associations (president of the Hellenic Association for Systemic Therapy (HELESYTH), member of the board of directors of the chamber of the National Family Therapy Organizations (NFTO) of the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA), approved supervisor of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) (at the founders’ level), founding member of the Greek Systems Group, board member of the International Family Therapy Association (IFTA), twice candidate for president, as well as chair person of its 1996 International Congress in Greece, member of the board of directors of the two largest Greek organizations for the rehabilitation and social reintegration of drug dependent individuals: OKANA and KETHEA. Finally, she is the founder and editor of the Human Systems series which has already published over thirty books.