Gitte Haslebo, MS
The consultancy firm Haslebo & Partnere
Begoniavej 11
2820 Gentofte
Tel: 45 27218451
Gitte Haslebo is the founder of a pioneer organizational psychological consultancy company in Denmark working with systemic, appreciative, CMM and narrative approaches (1991-2019). She has been an educator and trainer in social constructionist theory and practices for more than 30 years having trained hundreds of managers both from the private and public sector.
Besides the training courses she has carried out consultancy assignments for organizations in periods of difficult changes, conflict dissolution, organizational development, coaching of managers and managerial groups and professional support and advice in managerial dilemmas.
She is an author, co-author and co-editor of numerous books and articles on leadership and organizational development – most of them in Danish or Swedish.
She has been an Associate of the Taos Institute since 2008.
Gitte Haslebo has a Master of Science in Psychology from the University of Copenhagen (1970), a Master’s Degree in Social Psychology from the University of Kansas (1968) and is a certified specialist and supervisor in organizational psychology.
Publications in English:
- Haslebo, G. & Nielsen, K. S. (2000): Systems and Meaning. Consulting in Organizations. London: Karnac Books.
- Haslebo, G. & Haslebo, M. L. (2012): Practicing Relational Ethics in Organizations. Chagrin Falls, OH; A Taos Publication.
- Haslebo, G. & Lund, G. E. (2015): Practicing Relational Thinking in Dealing with bullying in Schools In: T. Dragonas, K. J. Gergen, S. McNamee and E. Tseliou (Eds). Education as Social Construction. Chagrin Falls. OH. TAOS Publications Worldshare, p. 168-191.
- Haslebo, G. (2021): Relational Ethics in Organizational Life. In: Sheila McNamee, Mary M. Gergen, Celiane Camargo-Borges and Emerson F. Rasera (Eds): The Sage Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice, p. 225- 234.