Thomas C. M. Specht, MA
Partner, Senior Consultant
MacMann Berg
Graven 25b
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Phone: +45 86 76 13 44
Mobile: +45 22902170
Thomas C Specht holds a MA in philosophy and a postgraduate diploma in
systemic leadership and organization studies and he has been working
within a systemic relational and social constructionist frame of
reference for the last 10 years. He has written articles and contributed
as author of book chapters introducing and promoting social
constructionist ideas in leadership.
In the Danish consultancy MacMann Berg, Thomas works as senior
consultant with leadership training and organizational development. He
both teaches in the leadership training programme on Strategic
Relational Leadership and has been a part of the Executive programmes
and MSc programmes as teacher and counsellor. In his consultancy work,
Thomas functions as a process leader facilitating co-creation in
numerous development processes including merger and change processes,
business modelling and value proposition design, strategy, corporate
value implementation, teamwork development, relational coordination,
conflict resolution, management of paradox indicator etc.
His passion is to continue promoting and contributing to further
developing social constructionist ideas and practices. Especially within
the field of redefining professional identity in public organisations
and making explicit use of ethical thinking in qualifying relational
responsibility in managerial decision-making.