James A. Holstein, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
366 Lalumiere Hall
Marquette University
PO Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881
Phone: (414) 288-5804
Email: James.Holstein@Marquette.edu
Curriculum vitae:http://www.marquette.edu/socs/documents/HolsteinCV12-10.doc
Dr. Holstein’s research and teaching interests include social problems, deviance and social control, and research methods. He has published over three dozen books on diverse topics including social problems, mental health and illness, family, the life course, the self, and qualitative research methods.
Selected Publications:
- Varieties of Narrative Analysis (Edited with J Gubrium). 2011. Sage.
- Analyzing Narrative Reality. (with J Gubrium).2009. Sage.
- Handbook of Constructionist Research. (Edited with J Gubrium). 2008. Guilford.
- Challenges and Choices: Constructionist Perspectives on Social Problems. 2003 (with Gale Miller). Aldine de Gruyer
- Handbook of Interview Research. (Edited with J Gubrium).2002, Sage
- The Self We Live By. (with J Gubrium).2000 Oxford University Press
- The New Language of Qualitative Method. (with J Gubrium).1997. Oxford
- The Active Interview. 1995. (with J Gubrium).Sage. (Also translated into Japanese.)
- Court Ordered Insanity: Interpretive Practice and Involuntary Commitment. 1993. Aldine de Gruyter
- What is Family? (with J Gubrium).1990. Mayfield. (Also in Japanese and Korean)