Tatsuya Sato, Ph.D.

Dean, Research Division
Professor, Department of Psychology
Ritsumeikan University
Kyoto, Japan


Tatsuya Sato is a professor of psychology at the Department of Psychology, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto Japan. He is basically a teaching and research professor. 

His general interests are in the history, theory and methodology of psychology. He has developed new qualitative methodology named Trajectory Equifinality Approach for ten years. Since he had been an associate professor of Fukushima University for seven years, now he has an interest in both research and practice for supporting people in Fukushima and who evacuated from Fukushima. 

He is a founding editorial board (2000-2005) of the Japanese Journal of Qualitative Psychology (in Japanese) and he has actively involved in Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology (JAQP). He is a founding member of Japanese Association of Law and Psychology, and now a member of editorial board of Journal of Law and Psychology (in Japanese). He is now one of seven elected directors of Japanese Psychological Association. He is also an editorial board of History of Psychology and Psychology Studies (in Japanese), The International Journal of Idiographic Science and Culture and Psychology.