J. Paul Burney Ph.D.

Private Practice
P.O. Box 159
Conroe, Texas 77305-0159

Phone: 281-367-7474 home
Email: pburney@me.com

Dr. Burney is currently in private practice in Conroe, Texas. His clinical interest is in family therapy. He is President-Elect and will serve as President in 2005 of the Texas Psychological Association (TPA). Dr. Burney a member of APA’s Practice Organization’s Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice (CAPP) and serve on CAPP’s Prescription Privileges Subcommittee.

Dr. Burney has received post-licensure training in psychopharmacology and has completed his preceptorship at the Conroe Family Medicine Residency Program. He is adjunct faculty for Our Lady of the Lake University, Sam Houston State University, and the Union Institute. Dr. Burney is also a professional mediator for the Montgomery County Dispute Resolution Center and private clients.