Terje Hofsmarken, D.Sys.Psych
Hovseterveien, 32 B
0768 Oslo, Norway
Phone: 0047 91354625
Email: terje@mestringskompetanse.no
Web: www.mestringskompetanse.no
Terje is Founder of mestringskompetanse.no, and has worked with leadership training for the past 25 years. He has a doctoral degree at Tavistock Clinic, East London University, where he has studied systemic leadership development. He has varied backgrounds, from the Armed Forces as a troop commander in the Infantry and has completed free fall courses at the Army Hunters School. He has an MBA in management and a Master’s in family therapy and is certified on psychological profile tools such as BIG FIVE, 360 and MBTI etc.
He has worked as Sales Manager I Bertel O Steen, Team leaders and consultant at Mercuri International. Hofsmarken has extensive experience in management and organizational development from public and private companies. He has developed pragmatic and documented methods for how management groups and leaders increase interaction and profitability.
Terje emphasizes that organizations are complex and dynamic and that relational is crucial. Therefore, he focuses not only on the individual leader, but on the leader’s real-life context and relationships. Terje emphasizes that leadership development and leadership training include both managers ‘and employees’ real everyday contexts, and that the measures should increase the quality of the interaction within the organization. The experience of Hofsmarken is that a relational perspective on leadership recognizes the interdependence of an organization, which means that both managers and employees are constantly evolving and together taking greater ownership
Terje is widely holding supervision groups and lecturing related to systemic therapy and social constructionistic ideas, both in the child protecting care and in private and public enterprises.
Terje’ main interests are:
- Systemic leadership training
- Systemic pschodynamisk coaching
- Social constructionist theory and practice
- Training leaders in training-laboratory