Susanne Johansen
Susanne Johansen
Gløerfeldtsvej 7
4600 Køge
Phone: +4523459784
- Pedagogue
- Subsidary degree in child/youth culture.
- PD, Diploma Pedagogy.
- Diploma, Family Therapy.
- ICCP, International Certification in Collaborative-Dialogical Practise, – from the first and untill now only Nordic group.
Susanne has been a social worker in a number of different public employments and contexts in Denmark since the early eighties.
Inspired by practice and many years of training Susanne started private practice in 2003, followed by more practice, more training and participating in a great deal of workshops and conferences in Denmark and abroad.
The practice is based on collaborative ideas and ways of being in the world, and Susanne is preoccupied by rhizome thinking and co-creating participation in her access to practice and in life in general.
offers postmodern consultation and workshops, facilitation,
super-/sharevision and family therapy for public and private
institutions and organizations.
Currently Susanne is additionally
concerned with creating space for ’ordinary’ people meeting
professionals in order to learn from each other, in conversations about
general human themes like ’loneliness’, ’death’, ’network’,
’communities’, family’ etc.
Besides Susanne is:
- Local contact, organizing workshops in ’STOK’, the Danish association for systemic and narrative therapi,
- Associated with ’Livslinien’, a humanitarian organization that prevents suicide and suicide attemps,
- Tutor and supervisor in public health services and social psychiatry,
- Examiner at the Danish education for pedagogues,
- Supervisor ar the Danish Diploma for family therapi,
- Facilitating local ’Death Café’s (
- ’Jamen snakker de ikke bare?’ (’Well, don’t they just talk?’) – about dialogical conversation in the therapy room. ’Systemisk Forum’. 2010
- ’Det skjulte skoleskema’ (’The hidden classscedule’) – broadcast built on Susannes child-cultural study on children’s network and own culture in cracks in the grown-up-produced children’s culture. ‘Råstof’ (’Raw material’). Denmarks radio, P1. Produced by Birgitte Meilby. 1996
- `Fra Borge til Brno, – en rundrejse i det dialogiske, det relationelle, det responsive og det kropslige landskab`(`From Borge to Brno, – a journey around the dialogical, the relational, the responsive and the bodily landscape`).Systemisk narrativt forum, no. 4, 2019
- `Kunsten at danse i kor, – et essay om fællesskabets kraft`(`The art of dancing in a choir, – an essay on the power of community`).Fokus på familien, no. 4, 2020.