Murilo Moscheta, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Universidade Estadual de Maringá R. Moisés Marcondes
30 CEP 87010-390 Maringá – PR Brazil
Phone: (+55) 44 9991-1263
Murilo Moscheta is a licensed psychologist, therapist and Professor
of Clinical Psychology at the Estate University of Maringá (Brazil).
Murilo received his PhD degree in psychology from the University of São
Paulo – Brazil with a fellowship from the University of New Hampshire.
He is also an alumni of the International Class of the East Side
Institute in New York.
For many years, he has worked in a variety of institutional contexts,
mostly with groups of people concerned with health issues such as breast
cancer, anorexia and bulimia, diabetes and aging. His thesis was
co-advised by Sheila McNamee and was focused on the development of
relational resources for inclusive healthcare work toward GLBT
population in Brazil.
He is the co-founder of VIDEVERSO, a group that researches innovative
ways of working for the development of GLBT communities. In this field,
he is interested in the social constructionist contributions to
understand identity discourses and its implications on gender and GLBT
related issues.
As a researcher and professor, he is interested in studying performance,
dialogue, teamwork and narrative as a method of research and
intervention in psychology.
Murilo is also graphic designer and is constantly looking for ways of
developing an academic work that challenges traditional divisions
between the arts, science and politics.
You can access his artwork at:
Some of his recent writing includes:
- MOSCHETA, M. S; MCNAMEE, S.; SANTOS, J. C. Dialogue and transformation: embracing sexual diversity in the educational context. Educ. rev. [online]. 2011, n.39, pp. 103-122.
- MOSCHETA, M.S. Psychologist or artist? – an invitation to think about the challenges of creating professional identity. In: Lois Holzman blog; acessed at: also translated into Bosnian at: