Helge Löbler, Ph.D.
Institut für Service und Relationship Management ISRM
Universität Leipzig
Grimmaische Str. 12, Raum 473
04109 Leipzig
Phone: 0341 / 97 33 750
Fax: 0341 / 97 33 759
Web: www.marketing.uni-leipzig.de
Helge Löbler is Professor of Management and Marketing and director of
the Institute for Service and Relationship Management at the University
of Leipzig, Germany. He studies Cybernetics and Economics at the
universities of Stuttgart and Bonn holds an PhD in Economics. He
received an award for his outstanding contributions to the 12th
International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing. He has lectured at
different international Universities like, University of Tartu, Estonia,
University of Houston, Texas, USA, Georgetown University, Washington D.
C., USA, American University, Washington D. C., USA, University of
Maryland, USA, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, VR
China, Peking Institute of Technology, Peking, VR China. Together with
one of his colleagues he has set up the SMILE program which is the Self
Management Initiative in Leipzig and tries to support students to become
who they are in relation to others. His main research area is social
constructionism and its “impact” on communication and service.
When I read the “Limits to Grows” in the seventies of the last century I
decided to learn what the club of Rome had done. But immediately the
question came up to which university program I should apply. Hence I
wrote letters to professors, book-authors and others to find out what to
study? I got wonderful answers, one for example by Niklas Luhmann who
of course recommended to study sociology. Surprising or not everybody
who answered my inquiry recommended his or her own field. I was confused
on a higher level. Great, I had to make my own decision and couldn’t
blame others for it.
Currently I firstly try to conceptualize communication without the
concept of meaning. Or to put it differently why do people think that
terms have meaning. I was inspired to think about this especially
because I was invited to a conference where judges met every year. The
organizer who is also a good friend of mine asked me whether I think I
could contribute to these conference. And I loved this challenge because
I read a book written by Berd Rüthers (a law professor) about “the
unlimited interpretation” (Die unbegrenzte Auslegung). In this book the
author analyses how the same law text has been interpreted very, very
differently during the last century (In German and Germany). And I
discussed this book with my friend (a judge) and we came up with the
question “are there any limits of interpretation and if so where and
how”? So I presented my ideas to an audience of thirty judges mainly
saying that practices are connected to words and that these practices
limit the interpretation of the words in question. Hereby I understand
practices as “praktiken” instead of “praxis”, which is of course a
German distinction. However I found Schatzki’s work on Practice Theory
very supportive. It may be in line with Kenneth Gergen’s argument to go
beyond textuality. I presented the practices a s some kind of “implicit
reality” (comparable to the “lebensweltlicher Hintergrund” in an
Habermas’ian language which disappears when made explicit) as I found
out that many people seem to have difficulties in thinking the world
just as socially constructed….
Secondly I try to conceptualize “service” as a fundamental way of
co-existence. Service happens in nature (without humans) and in the man
made world. And I found some denominators for service in these different
worlds. I am interested in the ongoing process of exchange and change
which “keeps the world together”. Social science and economics in
particular have focused very much on exchange neglecting change and the
conditions of change. I hope to (re?)-integrate humans and nature. Even
if we socially construe our world we are somehow embedded in nature and
cannot overcome physical or biological “laws”. But we need a modern way
of thinking both worlds together and my hope is that service can serve
Since I think that there is a reality beyond words and language I love art and to play clarinet with others in particular.