Kathleen Clark, Ph.D., JD, MAM
Attorney At Law
25-A Crescent Drive #601, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Phone: 925-708-8227
Email: KathleenClark@servantlawyership.com
Web: www.ServantLawyership.com
Blog: servantlawyership.blogspot.com
Alt. Email: kathleenclark@gmail.com
Kathleen Clark is an attorney, licensed to practice in California, consultant, and mediator in the San Francisco Bay Area. She earned a J.D. degree from Golden Gate University School of Law, a PhD from Tilburg University, with a dissertation topic of Bringing Dialogue and Collaborative Law to Health Care, and a Masters Degree in business management from John F. Kennedy University. Dr. Clark is founder and CEO of Servant Lawyership, a consulting, advising, and coaching business that encourages and supports transparent communication among healthcare, legal, patients, families, communities, and other stakeholders in adverse medical event situations. She also gives presentations, convenes symposia, and provides continuing education and professional development on many aspects of healthcare and the law, including language, communication, shared decision-making, dialogue, collaborative law, patient safety, disclosure, and appreciative inquiry. Kathleen has had many articles and book chapters published on collaborative law, disclosure, dialogue, and the healing aspects of both law and medicine, many of which have been published by the American Bar Association in its various journals, the Texas Bar Association, and the Daily Journal, California’s leading legal newspaper. Dr. Clark co-authored a chapter in the Sage Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice, entitled Toward Relational Engagement: Poetic Reflections in Healthcare. Links to her articles and book chapter can be found on Dr. Clark’s website, www.ServantLawyership.com. Dr. Clark has convened and facilitated many dialogues on alternatives to medical malpractice litigation, seeking to build collaborations and alliances across professions and stakeholders, including patients, physicians, defendants’ and plaintiffs’ attorneys, insurers, other health care providers, hospitals, risk managers, and other interested parties. Kathleen is a member of The State Bar of California and the American Bar Association.
Below is a link to Dr. Clark’s most recent book chapter, Conflict
Resolution in Healthcare: http://www.servantlawyership.com/my_files