Artur Tacla
Av Pedroso de Morais, 2279
CEP: 05419-001
Sao Paulo – Brasil
Office: (11) 3816-4426
Mobile: 55-11-93554258
Artur Paranhos Tacla is a psychologist and one of the founding members of ATMA Human Development where he serves as consultant in organizational, clinical, educational and sports.
In the organizational area develops various programs for Systemic Coaching and Consulting in Organizational Transformation, Culture, Human Development and Leadership, Stress and Quality of Life.
In educational programs to provide advice on Facilitation of Learning, Communication and Training of Teachers. Already active in sports and athletics with athletes to improve performance.
And in the clinic operates in the body-mind integration, especially with patients with psychosomatic disorders and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It also coordinates and oversees a team of professionals specially trained to work with Management and Critical Incident Stress Disorder.
It has international training in Systemic Psychotherapy and acts as facilitator and supervisor in Family and Organizational Constellations.
He is Professor of Organizational Constellation training the Brazilian Institute of Systemic Solutions (IBSS) and coordinator of the Specialization in International Organizational Constellation.
Currently participates and is one of the coordinators of a Brazilian group in SISC-Study (Symptoms / Illness and Systems-Constellations). The SISC is an international multicenter study in nine countries, to explore the emotional dynamics and their families about chronic diseases and symptoms and effects of systemic constellation.
It is the
International Critical Incident Trainer Stress Foundation (ICISF) and
training by the International Traumatology Institute at the University
of South Florida (USF).
It’s one of those responsible for
introducing several innovative methods in Brazil such as Eye Movement
Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Tapas Acupressure Technique
(TAT), Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT),
Be Set Free Fast (BSFF ).
Artur Paranhos Tacla also has training in Jungian psychology and mythology; master in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Time Line Therapy, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Applied Kinesiology.