Justine D’Arrigo-Patrick, Ph.D.
Professor of Counseling & Guidance
Dept. of Special Education, Rehabilitation & Counseling
California State University, San Bernardino
5500 University Parkway
San Bernardino, CA 92407-2397
Email: Justine.darrigopatrick@csusb.edu OR justinedarrigopatrick@gmail.com
Phone: 909.537.5687
Justine has been a professor in New England and Southern California. They currently hold an assistant professor position at Cal State University, San Bernardino, in the counseling and guidance program. Justine’s teaching rests heavily on postmodern/relational pedagogies and co-facilitates many of the counseling practicum courses. Their clinical interests focus on working from a post-structural, collaborative-relational lens, with a strong critical theoretical influence.
Justine’s educational journey included an MA in clinical psychology from Pepperdine University with a couple and family therapy emphasis, and a PhD from Loma Linda University in Marriage and Family Therapy. While at Loma Linda, Justine created their own concentration area which took them to the school of global and public health where they expanded their family systems lens to better understand systemic application in more global and public domains. This also provided Justine the opportunity to begin teaching undergraduate classes in the global health department while completing their dissertation.
Justine’s research interests are around how activism is enacted relationally in the counseling conversation, and what kinds of effects this has on the counseling relationship. Justine is particularly interested in how efforts of activism can potentially colonize people’s experiences in counter cultural ways, and feels passionately about keeping a critical lens on this aspect of therapeutic work. Justine is also interested in pedagogical processes and relationship in the classroom, especially when a postmodern, social constructionist approach to teaching is embraced, which privileges post-oppositional engagement.
Justine had published an article titled Navigating critical theory and postmodernism: Social justice and therapist power in family therapy (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/famp.12236/full) and has been interviewed on the Radical Therapist podcast about this work (https://chrishoffmft.podbean.com/e/the-radical-therapist-027-%E2%80%93-navigatingcritical-theoryamppostmodernismsocial-justice-andtherapistpower-infamily-therapyw-drjustined%E2%80%99arr/) . Justine is also a member of AFTA. Within this organization, Justine had been a board member along with the student committee chair, and is currently serving as the AFTA Annual Conference chair for the 2018 meeting in Austin, Texas.