Diana Carleton, Ed.D.
Psychologist, LMFT
AccessSuccess, International, co-founderSr. Faculty Houston Galveston Institute
Adjunct Faculty, Our Lady of the Lake University (OLLU)
Private Practice/Counseling/Consulting/Coaching
Diana has a unique blend of psychological consulting, clinical services, supervision, training and development, marketing and administrative experience. She takes this experience from over 25 years in a variety of settings such as private practice, residential treatment, both non-profit and for profit agencies, international management consulting firm, and several graduate level university positions.
Present activities include, senior faculty of Houston Galveston Institute, faculty of OLLU, AccessSuccess and private practice for counseling, coaching and consulting. Other faculty work includes past Program Director for OLLU, MS Psychology program, Houston campus. Her interests include clinical work, training and supervision from a Collaborative perspective. She also promotes life and business coaching with women and small businesses from a post modern, collaborative position.