Helena Agueda Marujo, Ph.D.
School of Social and Political Sciences
Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Politicas ISCSP
and Center for Administration and Public Policy
Centro de Administração e Politicas Publicas
Lisbon University – Universidade de Lisboa
Rua Almerindo Lessa
1300-663 Lisboa
Phone: 00351 966179392
Helena Águeda Marujo has a PhD degree in Psychology (Psychotherapy and Educational Counseling) from Lisbon University, where she also took her Master’s Degree. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Politicas (School of Social and Political Sciences), University of Lisbon, where she coordinates the Master Program in Human Resources Management and where she is the Executive Coordinator of the Executive Master in Applied Positive Psychology. She collaborates with the North-West University in South Africa and with the St. Joseph University in Macao, China, teaching in Master degrees. She recently launched the Platform for Public Happiness at Lisbon University. Some of her research interests and publications are on the topic of Transformative and Appreciative Research, Positive Nations and Positive Communities, always integrating an auspicious and positive perspective with a collective, social and systemic view of groups, organizations and communities. The Public Happiness / Felicitas Publica line of work has connected her work with the concept of Relational Goods, emerging from social and economical lines of research and intervention in Europe, giving a larger scope to the study and promotion of just and dignified relationships, either in the work and labor context, or in impoverished community areas. She is a full member of the Center for Administration and Public Policy (CAPP), a Lisbon University Research Center.
Link for one of our books in English:http://www.springer.com/us/book/9789400768680
Links for books in Portuguese:
- Educar para o Optimismo: http://www.presenca.pt/editorial/educar-para-o-optimismo-1286950421/
- Optimismo e Inteligência Emocional: http://www.presenca.pt/livro/pedagogia/ensino-e-aprendizagem/optimismo-e-inteligencia-emocional/
- Optimismo e esperança na Educação: http://www.presenca.pt/livro/pedagogia/ensino-e-aprendizagem/optimismo-e-esperanca-na-educacao/
- Familia e o Sucesso escolar: http://www.presenca.pt/livro/pedagogia/ensino-e-aprendizagem/a-familia-e-o-sucesso-escolar/
- Positivamente: http://www.esferadoslivros.pt/livros.php?id_li=235
- A nossa vida emocional: http://www.presenca.pt/livro/religiao-espiritualidade-e-auto-ajuda/auto-ajuda/a-nossa-vida-emocional/