J. Kevin Barge, Ph.D.
Professor of Communication
Department of Communication
Texas A&M University
209A Bolton Hall
College Station, Texas 77843-4234
Email: kbarge@tamu.edu
Phone: 979-845-5500
Web: http://comm.tamu.edu/
J. Kevin Barge, Ph.D. is a Professor of Communication at Texas A & M University. He is also a member of the planning team for the Aspen Conference, a community of engaged organizational communication scholars focused on developing practical theory and collaborative research that bridge academic-practitioner interests.
Kevin’s major research interests center on developing a social constructionist approach to leadership, articulating the connections between appreciative practice and organizational change, as well as exploring the relationship between discourse and public deliberation, specifically practices that facilitate communities working through polarized and polarizing issues. Other research interests include investigating the role of reflexivity in leadership and management practice, examining ways to develop effective academic-practitioner collaborations, and developing practical theory. Kevin’s research is inspired by interpretive and discursive research approaches and he is keenly interested in how collaborative research methods can be used to generate usable knowledge and forward movement in organizations and communities.
He has published articles on leadership, dialogue, and organizational change in The Academy of Management Review, Management Communication Quarterly, Human Relations, Communication Theory, Journal of Applied Communication Research, and Communication Monographs. Kevin has served on a number of national and international editorial boards for journals such as Management Communication Quarterly, Journal of Applied Communication Research, and Human Relations. He is a former editor of Communication Studies.