Ángela Hernández-Córdoba
Ángela Hernández-Córdoba
Calle 106 N° 53-39 Of 304
Bogotá – Colombia
Email: angela.hernandez.cordoba@gmail.com
Angela Hernandez-Cordoba was born in Bogotá – Colombia, where she was
raised. Angela works as a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and
research professor at several universities. She is a certified teacher
of Satyananda Yoga and collaborates with the Satyananda yoga Academy in
Bogotá-Colombia. She works in the clinical and research fields from a
systemic and complex perspective and considers that the final purpose of
this work is to contribute to each subject takes its autonomy with
responsibility, recognizing that this involves the biological,
psychological, social, cultural and spiritual dimensions of life. Angela
finds that psychotherapy and clinical intervention in different
contexts are more effective if they include intentionally methods that
contribute to the expansion of consciousness and the development of
compassionate human relationships.
In her work as a researcher and professor, currently she investigates with other colleagues in three projects:
- Emergence of subjectivity in systemic psychotherapy (Universidad Santo Tomás);
- Body, subjectivation and identity: an experiential and exploratory study with university students (Universidad Externado of Colombia);
- Expansion of consciousness, Satyananda yoga and complex psychology. A study with practitioners of Satyananda yoga (Satyananda yoga Academy).
In these projects Angela intends to implement methodologies initiated by Francisco Varela around first-person research methodologies.
Angela had published the books:
- Familia, Ciclo Vital y Psicoterapia Sistémica Breve, Bogotá: Ed. El Buho (1997).
- Psicoterapia sistémica breve: La construcción del cambio con individuos, parejas y familias. Bogotá: Ed. El Buho (2004).
- Vínculos, individuación y ecología humana. Hacia una psicología clínica compleja. Bogotá: Universidad Santo Tomás (2010).