Telma Lenzi


Graduated in Psychology in 1982, Telma Lenzi is a dialogic therapist, supervisor, facilitator, founder and Director of Instituto Movimento and President of ASSIM, a non-profit organization that offers psychotherapy for low income populations in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Head of these two organizations since 1987, she walks her quest to “Bring Psychology within the reach of all”. Trained in the Strategic Sistemic therapy in the 80’s, Telma, as therapist as well as director of Movimento Institute, has followed the changes in the world scenario of practices with people, couples and families. She made the postmodern turn, studied Narrative Practices and accepted the invitation of Social Constructionism and the Collaborative Approach to develop dialogic practices.

In Telma’s practice, be it as a therapist, facilitator or supervisor, the philosophical position of Social Constructionism is always present.

She considers and seeks the human encounter through the dialogue of being with the other, in horizontality and respect, with qualified listening, generating new meanings for the other. External and internal dialogues are the north of her practice. Through the understanding of the Dialogical Self, she created the concept of ‘Internal characters’ a resource used with positive results in the processes of self-reflection and internal dialogue of clients and students. This practice was transformed into a scientific article and published in the journal Nova Perspectiva Sistêmica.

She frequently teaches courses, workshops and lectures on theoretical subjects and also on everyday life.

Her website: is kept with chronicles and articles with reflections on issues of emotional well-being.