Lucy Vail, MFT
Therapist and Video Productions consultant
San Diego, CA
Phone: 858-761-6851
Before becoming an MFT, Lucy received a BFA in film and art history at The School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and worked on many documentary, feature, and corporate films. Since 2005, she has combined therapeutic conversations and filmmaking by producing counseling and communications training materials. This work brought her to Cyprus in 2005, with Gerald Monk and John Winslade to document their facilitation of Narrative Mediation trainings with both Northern Turkish and Southern Greek Cypriot participants. Lucy has worked with a wide range of influential poststructuralist theorists and therapists on over 35 titles such as: ‘Therapy as Social Construction’ and ‘Relational Ethics’ with Sheila McNamee, ‘Narrative Skills’ with John Winslade, ‘Remembering Conversations’ with Lorraine Hedtke, ‘Historical Trauma’ with David Anderson Hooker, and ‘Neighborly Ways of Being’ with Peggy Sax. Lucy has worked as a therapist in community mental health settings, focusing on adolescents in schools. She is in private practice in San Diego, produces professional training media for psychologists, therapists, and counselors, and is a consultant with Alexander Street Press and Microtraining Associates.