Cesar Vasquez
Academic Director of the Institute of Training and Development family – IFAMI
Professor of the School of Psychology from the Universidad Privada del Norte
Address: Mz T3, lot 28B, dpto. 301, fifth stage of San Andres, the first Sector, Trujillo, Peru
Email: cesar.vasquez@psicologos.com
Phone: (+ 51) 44 281682, (+ 51) 943004777
Web: http://cesarvasquezolcese.blogspot.com
Cesar is a Peruvian clinical psychologist dedicated to psychotherapeutic
practice full time, both in the form of clinical care and in university
teaching / graduate.
He has his masters in university teaching. He has received training in
systemic family therapy, couples therapy (Counseling Institute of
Atlanta, Psicotrec Peru) and Ericksonian hypnosis. Cesar has an
international certification in Coaching with NLP by International
Coaching Community and a Diploma in therapy and practices narratives by
Pranas Chile. He has also carried the master’s degree in systemic family
therapy which dictate the school of family therapy at the San Pablo
Hospital and the Basque-Navarre School of family therapy together with
the Peruvian Centre of family therapy, couple and systemic School of
Lima. He is currently attending the international certification in
collaborative practices and Dialogic organized by Umansenred/Kanankil.
Cesar’s profession is a psychologist and he describes himself more as a
psychotherapist, and framed his practice from social constructionism and
the solutions-oriented approach.
He has been the director of the Institute of training and development
(IFAMI) scholar and teacher in the Universidad Privada del Norte is
introducer and diffuser of these approaches in the Peru for ten years.
Co-Director of the training in systemic short-centered therapy solutions
in different cities of the country, Cesar has participated as a speaker
in various academic events within and outside Peru, presenting
seminars, conferences and workshops that disseminate the postmodern
ideas and social constructionism. He also conducts research under this
approach on issues of couple and family psychotherapy.
Cesar publishes the blog “minimalist therapy. “A vision
poststructuralist and posmoderna therapy” where he reflects on the
psychological and psychotherapeutic work.