Past Workshops & Courses
Don’t hesitate to contact for more information about any of the following workshops.
Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Alchemy: A Spiritual Retreat with Diana Whitney, 2013, 2015
Appreciative Inquiry: An Introduction, 2004-2008, 2013
Appreciative Inquiry for Organizational and Community Change: Principles, Practices and Application, 2003
Being Appreciative Inquiry: A Spiritual Retreat, 2009-2011
Appreciative Inquiry: A Workshop for Leaders and Consultants Engaged in Organization Transformation, 2003
Collaborative Practices
Collaboration: From Chaos to Creative Flourishing, 2015
Collaborative and Dialogical Symposium, 2014
Dialogic and Collaborative Practices, 2021, 2022
Introduction to Social Constructionism & Collaborative Practices, 2011
Leading in Education: Kenneth Gergen, Giovanna Bejjani, Tamara Richter, Branka Vasilic, 2022
Organization Development and Leadership
Leadership as Transformative Dialogues, 2009
The Power of Collaborating Leadership, 2010
Relational Approaches
Relational Theory and Practices – Japanese, 2022
Exploring Relational Theory and Practice, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021
Relational and Performative Practices for Transformational Change, 2012
Relational Being and Relational Leadership, 2010
Relational Constructionism, Inquiry, and the Arts of Transformative Change, 2017, 2019
Relational Leading: Do we know what it means in practice? 2016
Relational Responsibility in Practice: Ethical Considerations for Today’s Therapist, 2013
Research and Social Change: A Relational Constructionist Approach, 2013
Co-Creating Research & Practice, 2013
Creativity by Design and Social Construction in Research, 2018
Collaborative Practices: Social Constructionist Inquiry & Implications for Practice, 2012
Designing Crazy Patchworks: Co-Creating Collaborative Research, 2015, 2018
Designing Research: Co-Creating Generative Possibilities, 2014
First International Conference on Collaborative Research, 2014
Mastering the Academic Article, 2016
Pathways to Publishing, 2009, 2011, 2012
Practical Tips for Scholarly Writing and Publishing, 2016-2019
Research 2.0: Co-Creating Generative Possibilities, 2013
Research Constructions, 2018
The Potentials for Researching in Therapeutic Setting, 2014
Social Construction
Social Construction: Premises and Practices, 2013-2021
Social Construction and Collaborative and Dialogical Practices in Spain, 2014
Social Construction and Research Practices, 2013, 2015
Social Construction: Relational Practices and Transforming Dialogues, 2006-2019
Social Construction: Relational Theory and Transformative Practices, 2002, 2004-2019
Social Constructionist Inquiry, 2011-2012
Social Constructionist Inquiry and Research Practices, 2009-2011, 2013-2016
Zapatismo, Not One More! and Black Lives Matter, 2021
Therapy and Healthcare
Keep the Conversation Going: Dialogical Resources for Therapy & Supervision, 2012
Getting Comfortable with Conversations about Aging and Dying, 2016
Story Telling: An Interactive Workshop, 2003