Alberto Fernandez Liria
University Hospital Principe de Astrurias
University of Alcalá
Phone: 00 34 609121791
Alberto Fernandez Liria is psychiatrist director of the Psychiatry and
Mental Health Managed Care Unit in the University Hospital Principe de
Asturias in Alcala de Henares and associated professor of Psychiatry in
the University of Alcala. He is co-director with Beatriz Rodriguez of
the Master in Psychotherapy also in the University of Alcala.
He was initially trained in psychodynamic and systemic psychotherapy and
he evolved towards an integrative narrative based point of view.
He has got a relevant role in the transformation of the Spanish Mental
Health System and has been president of the Spanish Association of
He has worked in mental health programs in violence and conflict
contexts and as support for mental health programs in several developing
Some of his writings include:
- Fernández Liria A, Rodríguez Vega B. La práctica de la psicoterapia: La construcción de narrativas terapéuticas. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer 2001
- Fernández Liria A, Rodríguez Vega, B. Habilidades de entrevista para psicoterapeutas. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer, 2002
- Rodríguez Vega, B, Fernández Liria A. Terapia narrativa basada en la atención plena para la depresión. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer, 2012